Awarded Grants

Grant Filter

  • Awarded September 17, 2007

    Sustaining the National Alliance on Mental Illness - NH

    National Alliance on Mental Illness-New Hampshire

    To ensure quality advocacy, knowledge development and nonprofit capacity building for the mental health system which supports NH's children and their families by providing core operating support to sustain key related NH nonprofits.
    Amount Awarded: $25,000
  • Awarded September 17, 2007

    Communicating the Importance of Public Health to Key Stakeholders

    New Hampshire Public Health Association

    To increase the awareness and support of a stronger public health system in NH in conjunction with the NH Public Health Improvement Plan in order to improve health outcomes of NH residents by communicating the value and importance of public health to key audiences through a statewide public health awareness campaign.
    Amount Awarded: $100,508
  • Awarded September 6, 2007

    Leadership Development for Women For Women Coalition

    The Way Home

    To enhance the effectiveness of the Women for Women Coalition to address health disparities in African Refugee/Immigrant Women and their families living in Manchester NH by supporting two individuals to develop leadership skills and lead specific knowledge through participation in two national conferences.
    Amount Awarded: $2,065
  • Awarded August 22, 2007

    Healthy Eating/Active Living Forum


    To initiate the healthy eating/active living planning and implementation process by inviting a broad representation of stakeholders to identify action steps and measurable outcomes to halt the rise of overweight and obesity in NH.
    Amount Awarded: $15,441
  • Awarded August 7, 2007

    Pain is a Drain; Exploring Barriers to Quality Pain Management

    New Hampshire Hospice and Palliative Care Organization

    To improve awareness about pain as a health issue, its myths and issues of access in our senior population by means of a series of short plays and guided discussion presented statewide at senior centers and other locations where seniors gather.
    Amount Awarded: $7,745
  • Awarded June 18, 2007

    Work Plan to Expand Bonnie CLAC's Transportation Services

    More Than Wheels

    To increase the number of low-income and vulnerable populations in New Hampshire who have access to services to purchase new reliable cars for personal transportation by undertaking a planning process to include siting of new offices, increasing cultural awareness in program design, and planning a policy change effort.
    Amount Awarded: $30,000
  • Awarded June 18, 2007

    Crossing the Public Policy Divide

    University of NH School of Law

    To improve NH health stakeholders' capacity to navigate the public policy divide - the gap that exists between health-related data, research, analysis, and recommendations on the one hand, and the successful implementation of sensible public policies on the other - by providing practical and expert technical assistance.
    Amount Awarded: $25,000
  • Awarded June 18, 2007

    Transportation for Everyone: Contoocook Valley Transportation Cooperative

    Monadnock Community Hospital

    To increase mobility options for residents of the Contoocook River Valley by conducting a second phase of planning for the development of regional and local organizational transportation infrastructure.
    Amount Awarded: $55,900
  • Awarded June 18, 2007

    Transportation Brokerage for Strafford and Eastern Rockingham Counties

    Strafford Network

    To improve regional transportation services for people in Strafford and Eastern Rockingham Counties by coordinating transportation services offered by COAST and multiple human service transportation provider agencies.
    Amount Awarded: $70,574
  • Awarded June 18, 2007

    Sustaining Leadership New Hampshire

    Leadership New Hampshire

    To build a community of informed leaders in NH by increasing civic engagement and strengthen communities through connecting and educating a diverse pool of engage or emerging leaders about the State of New Hampshire.
    Amount Awarded: $6,500
  • Awarded June 18, 2007

    Tamworth Dental Center

    Tri County Community Action Program, Inc.

    To improve oral health access for the under and uninsured residents of Carroll Country by establishing new dental center in Tamworth by November, 2007.
    Amount Awarded: $298,809
  • Awarded June 18, 2007


    Goodwin Community Health Center

    To study the feasibility of a 'volunteer' model to improve access to specialty care and improve continuity to primary care for the uninsured residents of Strafford County by undertaking a community planning process and developing provider champions.
    Amount Awarded: $24,618