Expanding and supporting our health care workforce

Man and Woman of different races wearing blue medical scrubs and holding clipboard secondary image to create animation effect
forward FUND

In early 2019, the Endowment received more than $1.9 million from the NH Medical Malpractice Joint Underwriting Association. These funds will be held as part of the Endowment's permanent corpus, and the earnings from their investment used to support health care providers serving medically underserved populations through the Forward Fund.

The Endowment’s allocation of the Forward Fund resources is advised by a stakeholder group that includes representatives from the Legislative Commission on Primary Care Workforce, Bi-State Primary Care Association, New Hampshire Hospital Association, New Hampshire Area Health Education Centers, University of New Hampshire, the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services and Integrated Delivery Networks. The advisory group's input helped the Endowment to set a focus for the Forward Fund in its first three to five years. 

The focus of grantmaking within the Forward Fund will be responsive to workforce issues over time. Current priorities include strengthening NH’s clinical placement opportunities, eliminating policy and practice barriers to licensure, and implementing a coordinated State Plan to expand and support the health care workforce.

Giving Care: A Strategic Plan to Expand and Support New Hampshire's Health Care Workforce

Full Report

This strategic plan, intended for implementation within two years, includes 107 strategies to build and retain New Hampshire's health care workforce in four areas: pipeline, recruitment, and retention needs facing the state; critical policy and regulatory issues; data needs; and provides a mechanism for coordination and governance of workforce development efforts.

Executive Summary

This Executive Summary provides an overview of the strategic plan to build and retain New Hampshire's health care workforce.

2024 Winners Have Been Announced

HealthForce NH Innovation Challenge

Addressing our critical healthcare workforce shortages requires new innovative thinking. The Innovation Challenge promotes and supports innovative ventures to increase awareness, create inspiration, and build community among industry leaders. Check out the 2024 winners.

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Our Community Partners

HealthForce NH

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HealthForce NH is a collaborative effort to create a substantial, equitable, skilled, and fulfilled healthcare workforce through implementation of the Giving Care plan.

Foundation for Healthy Communities

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Foundation for Healthy Communities aims to improve health and health care in communities through partnerships that engage individuals and organizations.

Southern NH Area Health Education Center

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Southern New Hampshire Area Health Education Center (SNAHEC) focuses on workforce development for current and future health professionals, offering continuing education opportunities for medical and public health professionals.

Northern NH Area Health Education Center

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Northern NH Area Health Education Center (AHEC) ensures an adequately trained workforce exists in rural NH by providing continuing medical education and other training programs for all levels of North Country health care providers.

NH Area Health Education Center Dartmouth

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New Hampshire Area Health Education Center (AHEC) is a statewide network that works to improve health care and access to health care, particularly in rural and under-served areas, by enhancing the health and public health workforce of the state.
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