June 21, 2010
Trustees of Dartmouth College
To reduce suicide in NH by bringing professionals, policy makers and survivors together to learn about evidence based methods being used to prevent suicide in NH and throughout the country.
Amount Awarded:
June 21, 2010
National Alliance on Mental Illness-New Hampshire
To ensure quality advocacy, knowledge development and nonprofit capacity building for the mental health system which supports NH's children and their families by sustaining the general operations of key related NH nonprofits.
Amount Awarded:
June 21, 2010
University of New Hampshire
To improve the educational and community outcomes of youth with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD) in New Hampshire as they transition from adolescence to adult life by training professional staff members in the community mental health centers and other providers within the state mental health system to implement the RENEW model and facilitate a process to problem solve around funding, implementation, and administrative barriers that prevent full implementation and access to high-quality transition services for youth with EBD.
Amount Awarded:
April 2, 2010
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To promote resiliency, enhance coping skills and develop natural supports for young adults with serious mental health problems by providing evidence based treatment and promising practices within an integrated system of care.
Amount Awarded:
December 14, 2009
North American Family Institute, Inc
To transform the role of residential service providers in serving high-risk children and families with mental health problems by researching best practices, participation in a strategic planning process and learning collaborative, and documentation of learning in a guidebook.
Amount Awarded:
December 1, 2009
Child & Family Services of New Hampshire
To prepare Child and Family Services' clinicians to effectively intervene to mitigate the negative effects of traumatic experiences on children by providing advanced training including clinical supervision in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Amount Awarded:
August 28, 2009
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To enhance knowledge and promote family-driven children's mental health care by summarizing existing NH research into a summary report which will inform policy dialogue with families and key stakeholders.
Amount Awarded:
June 15, 2009
Prescription Policy Choices
To ensure children receive quality mental health care services that are safe, effective and appropriate by enhancing knowledge about current NH prescribing practices, increasing awareness, and promoting adoption of evidence-based best practices for prescribing psychotropic drugs.
Amount Awarded:
June 15, 2009
PathWays of the River Valley
To improve access to a full range of health care for children in the Upper Valley from birth to the child
Amount Awarded:
June 15, 2009
Trustees of Dartmouth College
To improve the well-being of neglected and abused children and their families in Sullivan County by improving access to and availability of evidence-based evaluation and trauma treatment.
Amount Awarded:
June 15, 2009
National Alliance on Mental Illness-New Hampshire
To ensure quality advocacy, knowledge development and nonprofit capacity building for the mental health system which supports NH's children and their families by sustaining the general operations of key related NH nonprofits.
Amount Awarded:
June 15, 2009
Families in Transition
To provide integrated, family-centered care designed specifically to serve children and families facing the unique challenges presented by homelessness and co-occurring mental illness/substance abuse disorders by reducing common barriers to care faced by vulnerable families.
Amount Awarded: