November 27, 2006
Community Catalyst, Inc.
To assist in the development of expanded leadership and voices in New England in order to ensure the enhancement and sustainability of children's health coverage by obtaining and using public opinion on children's health coverage.
Amount Awarded:
November 6, 2006
Valley Regional Hospital
To create the highest quality, sustainable delivery system that promotes and integrates oral health care in Sullivan County.
Amount Awarded:
October 30, 2006
United Way of the Greater Seacoast
To expose middle-school aged girls to information, discussion, experimentation and self-expression by 1) creating an interactive day-long gathering focused on relevant issues concerning health, self-esteem, stress management and 2) ensuring a safe place to observe and interact with positive, inspiring women role models who will present a variety of topics in an engaging ways for this population and 3) offer a compelling set of workshop topics and discussion opportunities for the parent/adults who accompany the girls to the event.
Amount Awarded:
October 19, 2006
North Country Health Consortium
To improve knowledge and skills of community health center and community mental health center clinicians and administrators who seek collaborative solutions to patient care by providing scholarships to attend the Best Practices in Collaborative Healthcare conference.
Amount Awarded:
October 16, 2006
New Hampshire Minority Health Coalition
To improve and affect efforts to address disparities in health and health care among Latinos/Hispanics and African Descendents in Manchester, New Hampshire by collecting and disseminating data on several health indices for these populations.
Amount Awarded:
September 18, 2006
Manchester Community Health Center
To ensure the integrity of vaccines and medicines that need to be temperature controlled by acquiring a medical-grade refrigeration unit.
Amount Awarded:
September 18, 2006
United Way of the Greater Seacoast
To build a well developed and fully functional infrastructure of Community Support Organizations in the Greater NH Seacoast and to begin moving toward vision and community level outcomes in this area related to four priority areas: Access to Healthcare, Substance Abuse, Housing and Transportation by strengthening the current collaboration management structure, assess and meet training needs, map and assess current regional coalition infrastructure and to develop a long term plan for reducing duplication and improving efficiency of current coalition infrastructure.
Amount Awarded:
September 18, 2006
National Alliance on Mental Illness-New Hampshire
To improve understanding of how to effectively reduce youth suicide (up to age 24) and to increase the earlier use of mental health care services of youth and their families by testing the effectiveness of anti-stigma messages, collecting and analyzing data to demonstrate that Frameworks is an evidenced based youth suicide prevention practice.
Amount Awarded:
September 18, 2006
New Hampshire Coalition to End Homelessness
To begin implementation of the Interagency Council on Homelessness's 10 Year Plan: A Home For Everyone by increasing the capacity of the lead agency, the New Hampshire Coalition to End Homelessness.
Amount Awarded:
September 18, 2006
New Hampshire Minority Health Coalition
To ensure quality advocacy, nonprofit capacity building and knowledge development for the health system in NH in order to improve the health of NH residents by piloting the use of core operating support to sustain key NH nonprofits.
Amount Awarded:
September 18, 2006
Children's Alliance of New Hampshire
To ensure quality advocacy, nonprofit capacity building and knowledge development for the health system in NH in order to improve the health of NH residents by piloting the use of core operating support to sustain key NH nonprofits.
Amount Awarded:
September 18, 2006
University of New Hampshire
To explore the feasibility of conducting a leadership program for emerging leaders on health issues working in rural communities on the edge of traditional service areas.
Amount Awarded: