Awarded Grants

Grant Filter

  • Awarded September 19, 2005

    Raising More Money Training

    Bridges: Domestic & Sexual Violence Support Services

    To enhance the long term financial sustainability of this developing organization by building the fundraising capacity of the staff, Board and volunteers by obtaining training to design and implement a mission-based system for raising sustainable funding from individuals.
    Amount Awarded: $8,500
  • Awarded September 19, 2005

    Sustaining the Children's Alliance of NH

    Children's Alliance of New Hampshire

    To ensure quality advocacy, nonprofit capacity building and knowledge development for the health system in NH in order to improve the health of NH residents by piloting the use of core operating support to sustain key NH nonprofits.
    Amount Awarded: $25,000
  • Awarded September 19, 2005

    Oral Health Providers Motivate Patients to Quit Smoking

    Community Health Institute/JSI Research & Training

    To assess the barriers and facilitators among oral health professionals to routinely screen all patients on tobacco use and provide evidence based treatment in their clinical practices by conducting focus groups, key informant interviews, researching literature, curricula, and best practices, and meeting with decision makers.
    Amount Awarded: $18,029
  • Awarded September 19, 2005

    Sustaining the NH Center for Public Policy Studies

    New Hampshire Center for Public Policy Studies

    To ensure quality advocacy, nonprofit capacity building and knowledge development for the health system in NH in order to improve the health of NH residents by piloting the use of core operating support to sustain key NH nonprofits.
    Amount Awarded: $25,000
  • Awarded September 19, 2005

    Sexual Assault Needs Assessment for Sullivan County

    Women's Supportive Services

    To establish the needs of survivors of sexual violence in Sullivan County by conducting an in depth needs assessment using a telephone survey of the general population, a written survey, interviews, and focus groups with providers and consumers; and by organizing a sexual assault response team (SART) comprised of various agencies and organizations to meet the needs determined by the assessment.
    Amount Awarded: $15,000
  • Awarded September 19, 2005

    Improving the Integration of Oral Health Care into General Health Care in NH's Long-term Care Facilities

    New Hampshire Health Care Association

    To better integrate oral health care of long-term care residents in New Hampshire into general health care by 1) developing a comprehensive oral care training program for health care professionals, 2) establishing an oral health care model that is more coordinated into the care plan system, and 3) developing a sustainable staffing model that utilizes and trains existing nursing home staff.
    Amount Awarded: $49,329
  • Awarded September 19, 2005

    Sustaining NH Center for Non-profits

    New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits

    To ensure quality advocacy, nonprofit capacity building and knowledge development for the health system in NH in order to improve the health of NH residents by piloting the use of core operating support to sustain key NH nonprofits.
    Amount Awarded: $25,000
  • Awarded September 19, 2005

    Chronic Health Conditions Across the Lifespan: the Domestic Violence Connection with Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE)

    New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence

    To increase the number of providers routinely discussing adverse childhood experiences, particularly domestic violence with their patients, and increase the number of medical referrals to community crisis centers, by educating providers on the chronic health risks associated with domestic violence, how to routinely and confidentially screen, and how to document and refer appropriately.
    Amount Awarded: $5,000
  • Awarded September 19, 2005

    Dental Care of Strafford County

    Goodwin Community Health Center

    To improve access to preventive and restorative oral health services for all under and uninsured residents of Strafford County by establishing a dental center at Avis Goodwin Community Health Center, integrating medical and dental services by providing education for medical providers on quality oral health assessment, and by establishing a school-based program for elementary children.
    Amount Awarded: $79,520
  • Awarded September 19, 2005

    Forum for Public Health Dentistry

    NH Dental Society

    To introduce the concepts of Public Health Dentistry and discuss the similarities and differences of these two types of dental care by holding a forum for the NHDS membership.
    Amount Awarded: $6,100
  • Awarded September 19, 2005

    Manchester Sustainability Access Project

    City of Manchester Department of Health

    To support a community planning process that will identify solutions to reduce fragmentation and better integrate health care services and identify sustainable solutions for improved access to health care services.
    Amount Awarded: $20,000
  • Awarded August 1, 2005

    New Hampshire Public Health Association

    To increase support of evidence-based public health legislation and policies in NH by convening an educational conference on public health concepts for NH policymakers (legislators, members of the Executive Council, County Commissioners and Governor's staff).
    Amount Awarded: $6,368