Awarded Grants

Grant Filter

  • Awarded June 20, 2005

    Improving Access and Treatment for Adolescents and Young Adults with Co-Occurring Disorders: Mental Illness and Substance Abuse

    National Alliance on Mental Illness-New Hampshire

    To develop a Blueprint for Change that provides a framework and specific action steps for addressing the barriers to treatment for co-occurring disorders for adolescents and young adults in New Hampshire by creating a structured process which builds on identified critical topics.
    Amount Awarded: $18,182
  • Awarded June 20, 2005

    Project: Health II

    New Hampshire Public Radio

    To enhance public awareness and understanding in NH of health care issues by increasing NHPR's capacity to regularly and extensively cover health issues in multiple ways.
    Amount Awarded: $25,000
  • Awarded June 20, 2005

    To Improve the NH Community Health Centers' Financial Sustainability

    Bi-State Primary Care Association

    To improve New Hampshire CHCs' financial sustainability by strategic communication to stakeholders and technical assistance to the CHCs.
    Amount Awarded: $130,617
  • Awarded June 20, 2005

    Frameworks Youth Suicide Prevention Project

    National Alliance on Mental Illness-New Hampshire

    To improve access to health for youth at risk for suicidal behavior by reframing messages, changing stigmatizing attitudes, providing training and skill development, strengthening community coalitions, fostering leadership, and promoting collaboration and service coordination.
    Amount Awarded: $76,860
  • Awarded June 20, 2005

    Manchester Child Law Program

    Child Health Services

    To ensure access to critical health and social services and improve the health outcomes of children living in poverty; address systemic economic and social-cultural barriers to child health through legal advocacy; and provide a framework for the expansion of this model of legal advocacy across New Hampshire by establishing a medical-legal collaborative project with NH Legal Assistance.
    Amount Awarded: $59,289
  • Awarded June 20, 2005

    Planning A New Hampshire Telehealth Program

    Trustees of Dartmouth College

    To lay the groundwork for implementation of a statewide telehealth network by further characterizing telehealth needs, resources and interest in the state and engaging key stakeholders in a deliberative planning process leading to a clear and concrete plan of action.
    Amount Awarded: $89,951
  • Awarded June 20, 2005

    Understanding the Market

    New Hampshire Community Loan Fund

    To increase access of self-employed and micro-business owners to health insurance information by developing a web site specifically designed for the self-employed micro-business user that will present unbiased information about how the health insurance system works and what options are available in NH.
    Amount Awarded: $44,948
  • Awarded June 20, 2005

    Cultural Competency & Quality Healthcare Project

    Foundation for Healthy Communities

    To achieve the vision of the Medical Interpretation Advisory Board (MIAB) where the limited English proficient and deaf and hard of hearing populations in New Hampshire will have access to high quality health services and to improve the quality of healthcare offered by New Hampshire hospitals and other providers by promoting cultural competency within organizations, developing models or systems that ensure delivery of culturally sensitive and appropriate care and faciliating the Medical Interpretation Advisory Board and its subcommittees.
    Amount Awarded: $88,240
  • Awarded June 20, 2005

    Sustaining NH's Health System

    Endowment for Health

    To create a healthy and sustainable health system for New Hampshire by engaging citizens, policymakers, providers, and other stakeholders in developing policies and systems that support New Hampshire's residents in their efforts to maintain good health and prevent illness and injury and maintain access to a healthcare system that provides high-quality, cost-effective care.
    Amount Awarded: $75,000
  • Awarded June 20, 2005

    Greater Derry-Salem Regional Brokerage Demonstration Project

    Greater Derry/Gr. Salem Regional Transportation Council

    To develop a coordinated, easily accessible transportation system that provides quality services to the transit dependent residents of the Greater Derry-Salem region.
    Amount Awarded: $47,725
  • Awarded June 20, 2005

    Language Bank II

    Lutheran Social Services of Northern New England

    To continue to improve access to and quality of healthcare by providing a high quality, comprehensive, sustainable language interpretation service to assist both persons who are limited in their proficiency of English and staff at medical facilities/social service agencies to communicate without linguistic or cultural barriers.
    Amount Awarded: $82,037
  • Awarded June 20, 2005

    NH AFL-CIO EAP Services, Inc.

    New Hampshire AFL-CIO EAP Services

    To preserve health insurance coverage for construction workers and to inform public policy deliberations by convening labor, management and other stakeholders in order to plan and undertake a comprehensive analysis of construction bidding and procurement policies and practices and the link between those practices and workers' access to health insurance and health care.
    Amount Awarded: $19,876