Awarded Grants
Grant Filter
March 22, 2002
Booster Seat Campaign with United Way
New Hampshire Healthy Kids Corporation
2,500 booster seats will be distributed to income eligible parents for children ages 4-8. 245 are earmarked for Merrimack Valley, the remainder for statewide distribution. The program is coordinated by the Merrimack County United Way and is sponsored by Ford Motor Company as the National Boost America Program.
The grant will cover the direct costs of two mailings by New Hampshire Healthy Kids to enrollees in Merrimack County and a second to enrollees statewide--All part of the target audience for the program.
Amount Awarded: $1,159 -
March 8, 2002
Emergency Funds
Goodwin Community Health Center
Avis Goodwin Community Health Center incurrred unexpected expenses. The Executive Director and one of the physicians left Avis Goodwin. As a result, the health center paid $13,600 in earned time and are liable for $9,707 for the physician's malpractice tail coverage. These expenses produced a hardship.Amount Awarded: $22,767 -
February 4, 2002
NH Hospitals Mutual Aid Network
Foundation for Healthy Communities
The project will increase the capacity of community hospitals in NH to effectively respond to a biological, chemical, nuclear or other incident that involves injuries and deaths. Events of September 11th and the anthrax cases that followed identified gaps in our ability to address new forms of terror and our ability to respond. Hospitals are the front-line for local public health and medical care for most NH residents in the event of biological, chemical or nuclear incident. The project will identify functions and roles in creating a statewide hospital emergency mutual aid network, create and implement a mutual aid network, identify and modify legal and regulatory barriers to preparedness and establish an on-going system to monitor and test the mutual aid network.
The grant will provide the expertise and leadership of a medical consultant to address the clinical dimensions of creating a statewide hospital emergency mutual aid network and accomplish this in a timely manner. The grant will assess current clinical elements of preparedness (e.g., triage protocols, quarantine and decontamination procedures, pharmaceutical inventories, clinical staffing capacity, etc.) and integrate these elements into a coordinated plan with 32 hospitals and the State, based on agreements defining specific roles and resources within the hospital emergency mutual aid network.
Amount Awarded: $15,000 -
January 17, 2002
Norwell Transitional Funding
Nashua Pastoral Care Center, Inc.
To provide transitional funding for the Norwell Home transitional housing program acquired December 1, 2001. Funding will ensure the current five residents and their children avoid homelessness, and continue to receive supportive services and therapy.Amount Awarded: $14,900 -
December 19, 2001
Long Distance Medical
Tri County Community Action Program, Inc.
The Long Distance Medical program, a division of North Country Transportation, acts as liaison between those needing transportation for medical appointments including dialysis, cancer treatments, and other medical services performed in hospitals out of their area, and volunteer drivers. The program provides mileage reimbursement to the volunteer drivers who use their own vehicles, but would like to offer them more incentives as a means of recruiting and retaining volunteers. A wheel-chair accessible vehicle is also needed for those clients who cannot transfer from wheelchairs to regular vehicles.Amount Awarded: $10,000 -
November 5, 2001
Victim Offender Mediation
Community Diversion Program
To extend the Family Mediation Services to include Victim Offender Mediation.Amount Awarded: $6,400 -
October 1, 2001
Social Norming Conference
New Hampshire College and University Council
To convene the Presidents of all post secondary institutions in NH (public, private, 2-year, 4-year) for a round table with a national expert on the use of social norming to combat the illegal use and abuse of alcohol on college campuses in NHAmount Awarded: $2,100 -
September 30, 2001
Empowering Communities with Data
University of New Hampshire
Empowering Communities with Data: Grant will enable researchers to design and develop a business plan, budget, funding strategy and additional grant initiative to eventually provide communities with access to local population based health data and information. This will help communities better implement evidence based community health planning and education.Amount Awarded: $153,245 -
September 30, 2001
Project Build
New Hampshire Teen Institute
To develop the plans in partnership with a pilot school for PROJECT BUILD a community owned and operated prevention leadership program for 6th grade students using the Teen Institute program methodology and training format of training and motivating local volunteers to conduct their own prevention program.Amount Awarded: $5,000 -
September 30, 2001
Liveable, Walkable Communities
New Hampshire Celebrates Wellness Association
Liveable, Walkable Communities: Grant will enalble the Association to convene key stakeholders- including representatives from health, planning, conservation, transportation, community development, environmental, business, and disabled communities - to develop an Action Plan to create and promote Liveable, Walkable Communities (LWC).Amount Awarded: $22,375 -
September 30, 2001
Assuring Cultural Competence in Southern New Hampshire Developmental Disability Services
Gateways Community Services
Assuring Cultural competence in Southern New Hampshire Develomental Disability Services: A one year planning grant will help address the cultural competency needs of the Area Agency of Nashua and to develop a strategic plan to address barriers to the delivery of service to the developmentally disabled and their families who are of minority ethnicity. Program will be replicated in the other Area Agencies throughout New Hampshire.Amount Awarded: $18,600 -
September 30, 2001
Substance-Use Disorders, Crime, and Treatment
New Hampshire Center for Public Policy Studies
Substance-Use Disorders, Crime, and Treatment: Grant will help fund the gathering and analysis of data describing relationships between alcohol and other drug abuse in New Hampshire, in relation to crime and incarceration data. Research will focus on apparent apparent lack of access to treatment options for those on parole or probation, and rates of recidivism.Amount Awarded: $50,000