Awarded Grants
Grant Filter
September 28, 2001
Newport Middle High School Health Center
New London Hospital
Newport Middle School Health Center: Grant will collaboratively provide adolescents with a model year round comprehensive primary and preventive health services through a model middle high school health care center, an integrated referral network, and educational programs.Amount Awarded: $209,000 -
September 28, 2001
Program to Increase Access to Mental Health
National Alliance on Mental Illness-New Hampshire
Program to Increase Assess to Mental Health: Grant will help intitiate a new program in Nashua to increase access to mental health care for Nashua's Latino community by building on an established program in Manchester. The program provides outreach and education about mental illness (including interpreter services), and incorporates cultural competency outreach to mental health providers.Amount Awarded: $68,663 -
September 28, 2001
Access to Assistive Technology
ATECH Services
Access to Assistive Technology: Grant will help ATECH Services collaboratively provide access to assistive technology (AT) products and services by individuals with severe disabilities. Project will provide a pool of AT equipment, a mobile service delivery unit (for on-site rural outreach), and a resource pool of business and community members to support AT users within local communities.Amount Awarded: $230,495 -
September 28, 2001
Deaf People Accessing Health
Northeast Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services
Deaf People Accessing Health: Grant will help build a system of support and comprehensive services statewide to allow full and equal access to deaf residents, focusing on the expansion of medical interpreting and health care advocacy in the state.Amount Awarded: $134,350 -
September 28, 2001
Respite Child Care Program
Respite Child Care Coalition
Respite Child Care: Grant helps the Respite Child Care Coalition collaboratively implement, evaluate, and disseminate a pilot model of respite child care for vulnerable families (families that include children with developmental disabilities, mental illness, and other developmental or mental challenges). Program includes education, outreach, and financial assistance.Amount Awarded: $110,000 -
September 28, 2001
Medical Interpretation Services
New Hampshire Minority Health Coalition
To develop a statewide training program for medical interpreters; a program to broker interpreter services as a pilot in Manchester with later expansion to Nashua & Portsmouth; a training program to educate health professionals on cultural competency and use of a medical interpreter as well as an education and outreach to health care consumers with limited English proficiency about medical interpretation in same three communities; and a continuing education program for trained medical interpretors.Amount Awarded: $78,032 -
September 25, 2001
Statewide Needs Assessment
New Hampshire Association for the Blind
To conduct a first-ever statewide needs assessment of the blind and visually impaired community in NH to identify unmet needs and gaps in service in order to develop future model solutions.Amount Awarded: $5,000 -
September 25, 2001
William Pollack Collaborative
Monadnock Waldorf School
To respond to the local community needs assessment to better understand the issues at the root of youth violence by presenting a free, public evening talk by a nationally recognized leader in the area of healthy development of boys and an all day workshop for professional who work with boys in the Monadnock region.Amount Awarded: $5,000 -
August 8, 2001
Northern Strafford County Juvenile Court Diversion
CHANCES: This Discretionary Venture Grant will help, in combination with other grants, to expand geographic reach of this program, which offers court diversion and intervention services. Not receiving an anticipated grant (which would have resulted in returning other contingent grants) is one of the factors precipitating funding.Amount Awarded: $18,000 -
August 8, 2001
Child Health Services Operating Expenses
Child Health Services
Child Health Services: This is a one-year Bridge Grant to assist in offsetting an operating deficit for FY2002. Child Health Services provides pediatric medical services for low income children in greater Manchester. Unexpected decrease in community financial support is one of the factors precipitating this discretionary grant.
Amount Awarded: $20,000 -
August 8, 2001
AmeriCorps Victim Assistance Program
New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence
Americorps Victim Assistance Program: This is a one-year Bridge Grant to support ongoing operating expenses. Changes in funding formula, and loss of both in-kind space and no-cost health insurance for employees are among the factors precipitating funding.Amount Awarded: $20,000 -
July 3, 2001
Summer AIR (Artists in Residence)
Artists in Residence
To support the rental of a 15 passenger van for the AIR program. AIR offers a free, intensive 6-week arts program for economically disadvantaged teen girls. Unforeseen loss of anticipated funding precipitated funding.Amount Awarded: $5,600