Awarded Grants

Grant Filter

  • Awarded January 27, 2020

    NH Business Acumen Project

    University of New Hampshire

    The NH Business Acumen Project will advance the readiness of NH Community Based Organizations (CBOs) to partner with integrated healthcare entities by monitoring the public funding environment, assessing CBO status and needs, and providing expert-led technical assistance and training.
    Amount Awarded: $20,000
  • Awarded November 25, 2019

    Healthy Aging Advocacy Initiative

    New Hampshire Legal Assistance

    To build advocacy capacity to advance the priorities and strategies of the New Hampshire Alliance for Healthy Aging and its partners.
    Amount Awarded: $65,000
  • Awarded November 25, 2019

    Sustaining the NHLA's Role in Advancing Healthy Aging

    New Hampshire Legal Assistance

    To sustain an effective and sustainable statewide advocacy infrastructure that promotes healthy aging in New Hampshire.
    Amount Awarded: $25,000
  • Awarded November 25, 2019

    Integrating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to Advance Healthy Aging

    University of New Hampshire

    This project aims to put equity at the center of NH AHA
    Amount Awarded: $30,000
  • Awarded September 23, 2019

    Bringing LGBT Aging Out of the Closet in New Hampshire

    Fenway Health

    Create increased awareness of and readiness to work with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) older people among mainstream aging services providers through two training opportunities.
    Amount Awarded: $4,000
  • Awarded September 23, 2019

    LGBT Aging Readiness Scan

    Health Strategies of New Hampshire

    To improve understanding of existing capacity for providing LGBT-affirmative and competent aging services in our state and where/how we can build greater capacity to serve the most vulnerable older people in our communities.
    Amount Awarded: $40,000
  • Awarded July 22, 2019

    Enhancing the Care and Health of Older Adults Living with Dementia Across NNE

    Maine Council on Aging

    Create a regional learning collaborative to promote systems changes and coordination efforts to improve the health, care, and support of community-dwelling older adults living with dementia and their care partners in Northern New England.
    Amount Awarded: $10,000
  • Awarded June 17, 2019

    Healthy Aging Leadership Learning Exchange for Equity - Cohort one continuation

    University of New Hampshire

    To advance equity in NH's healthy aging field through a professional development process steeped in understanding white privilege and addressing systemic racism for sector leaders who identify as white.
    Amount Awarded: $10,000
  • Awarded June 17, 2019

    Grantmakers in Aging Membership

    Grantmakers in Aging

    To expand the Endowment for Health’s ability to leverage local, regional and national ideas and funding, through enhanced relationships with those in the field of philanthropy focused on healthy aging.
    Amount Awarded: $1,600
  • Awarded June 17, 2019

    Senior Leadership Alumni Network (SLAN)

    University of New Hampshire

    To create a stronger base of engaged and informed community leaders advocating for the health and well-being of older people by building an alumni network of graduates of the NH Senior Leadership Program.
    Amount Awarded: $15,000
  • Awarded March 18, 2019

    Linking NH to the National Reframing Aging Network

    The Gerontological Society of America

    To build momentum in changing the conversation about aging in New Hampshire by strengthening local capacity and connections to the National Reframing Aging Network.
    Amount Awarded: $17,500
  • Awarded March 18, 2019

    Tri-State Learning Collaborative on Aging

    Maine Council on Aging

    To advance a regional approach to address the challenges and opportunities presented by an aging Northern New England by providing learning opportunities, facilitating opportunities for networking and encouraging cross-sector collaboration among municipal, policy, advocacy and business leaders working across Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont.
    Amount Awarded: $25,000