January 29, 2018
Trustees of Dartmouth College
To communicate, disseminate, and act upon the results of a Photovoice project to share perspectives on the experience of aging, as expressed by older adults from communities of color in New Hampshire, with the broader field of elder health.
Amount Awarded:
January 29, 2018
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To continue to develop shared identity among stakeholders and strengthen knowledge within the field of elders through convening stakeholders, providing training and undertaking research.
Amount Awarded:
January 29, 2018
University of New Hampshire
Advance a shared vision for age friendly communities in NH through a collective impact approach by providing backbone support to the NH Alliance of Healthy Aging.
Amount Awarded:
November 20, 2017
University of New Hampshire
The NH Business Acumen Project will advance the readiness of NH Community Based Organizations (CBOs) to partner with integrated healthcare entities by assessing current status and needs, providing technical assistance through experts and training materials that address those needs, and establishing a community forum for CBOs to meet on a regular basis.
Amount Awarded:
November 20, 2017
Maine Community Foundation
To build the communication capacity of among stakeholders across ME and NH for a more productive public narrative on aging by contracting with the FrameWorks Institute to develop and conduct in-person and on-line training in Reframing Aging.
Amount Awarded:
November 20, 2017
New Hampshire Legal Assistance
To support advocacy capacity to advance the priorities and strategies of the New Hampshire Alliance for Healthy Aging and its partners.
Amount Awarded:
September 18, 2017
Grantmakers in Aging
To expand the Endowment for Health
Amount Awarded:
September 18, 2017
Nackey S. Loeb School of Communication
To continue our media partnership with the state's largest newspaper by underwriting a second year of coverage on aging using the practice of solutions journalism to raise public awareness of and community engagement about promising approaches that create age-friendly communities in New Hampshire.
Amount Awarded:
June 19, 2017
New Hampshire Center for Public Policy Studies
To provide policy makers a more concise understanding of the service demands on the elder care safety net and level of unmet need by simulating national data, analyzing NH Medicaid claims and service utilization data, and surveying DHHS contractors about uncompensated care.
Amount Awarded:
June 19, 2017
New Hampshire Public Broadcasting
To shed light on the problems facing families and paid caregivers in the Granite State by producing a local program as a companion to a national documentary on the same topic.
Amount Awarded:
March 27, 2017
Maine Association of Area Agencies on Aging
To advance a regional approach to address the challenges and opportunities presented by an aging Northern New England by providing learning opportunities, facilitating opportunities for networking and encouraging cross-sector collaboration among municipal, policy, advocacy and business leaders working across Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont.
Amount Awarded:
March 27, 2017
Trustees of Dartmouth College
To engage older adults of color into a collective impact approach to address elder health in New Hampshire, by using Photovoice to engage communities of color and language minorities and elicit their perspectives and experiences of aging in New Hampshire.
Amount Awarded: