Awarded Grants

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  • Awarded January 30, 2017

    Backbone Support to the Alliance for Healthy Aging

    University of New Hampshire

    The UNH Center on Aging and Community Living (CACL) will advance a collective impact approach and a shared vision for elder friendly communities in NH by providing core back bone support to the NH Alliance for Healthy Aging
    Amount Awarded: $177,990
  • Awarded November 21, 2016

    Elder Advocacy Initiative

    New Hampshire Legal Assistance

    To support advocacy capacity to advance the priorities and strategies of the New Hampshire Alliance for Healthy Aging and its partners.
    Amount Awarded: $50,000
  • Awarded November 21, 2016

    Creating Shared Identity and Building the Knowledge Base in the Field of Elder Health

    Health Strategies of New Hampshire

    To continue to develop shared identity among stakeholders and strengthen knowledge within the field of elders by convening stakeholders for planning, training and consensus building.
    Amount Awarded: $16,000
  • Awarded November 21, 2016

    Community Planning and Design for the Golden Years - Plan NH Conference

    Plan New Hampshire - The Foundation for Shaping the Built Environment

    To increase awareness of the need to shift thinking around planning, design and development of our communities to accommodate our changing needs as we grow older, and to introduce ideas and tools that communities might use to address them through a statewide Plan NH conference.
    Amount Awarded: $4,000
  • Awarded September 19, 2016

    Grantmakers in Aging Membership

    Grantmakers in Aging

    To expand the Endowment for Health?s ability to leverage local, regional and national funding, through enhanced relationships with those in the field of philanthropy focused on aging and elder health.
    Amount Awarded: $900
  • Awarded September 19, 2016

    NH Demographics and the Elder Care Safety Net

    New Hampshire Center for Public Policy Studies

    Use research, dissemination and dialogue to increase awareness about the changing demographics of New Hampshire and the implications for the demand for services by the growing population over the age of 65, and to increase public policy attention regarding the financial status of the safety net supporting frail and low income elders in the state.
    Amount Awarded: $40,000
  • Awarded September 19, 2016

    Leveraging Resources for Elder Health

    Health Strategies of New Hampshire

    To strengthen the field of elder health by strategically supporting technical assistance to leverage funding from federal and/or other national and regional funding sources.
    Amount Awarded: $20,000
  • Awarded June 20, 2016

    Transport NH

    Granite State Independent Living

    To support age-friendly communities through an expanded transportation dialogue, a stronger transportation advocacy network and a policy change agenda for increased and diversified transportation options for community members, particularly older adults.
    Amount Awarded: $20,000
  • Awarded March 21, 2016

    Technical Support for Union-Leader Solutions Series on Aging

    Solutions Journalism Network, Inc.

    To create a thought provoking newspaper/web series on aging that engages the audience in learning about possible approaches and solutions to create age-friendly communities in New Hampshire by providing technical assistance on the practice of solutions journalism.
    Amount Awarded: $18,000
  • Awarded March 21, 2016

    New Hampshire Union Leader: Aging in the Granite State

    Union Leader Charitable Fund

    To embark on a media partnership with the state's largest newspaper by underwriting a year-long series on aging using the practice of solutions journalism to raise public awareness of and community engagement about promising approaches that create age-friendly communities in New Hampshire.
    Amount Awarded: $65,000
  • Awarded March 21, 2016

    Creating Shared Identity and Building the Knowledge Base in the Field of Elder Health

    Health Strategies of New Hampshire

    To continue to develop shared identity among stakeholders and strengthen knowledge within the field of elders by convening stakeholders for planning, training and consensus building.
    Amount Awarded: $15,000
  • Awarded January 25, 2016

    Elder Health Coalition Infrastructure Support

    University of New Hampshire

    The UNH Center on Aging and Community Living (CACL) will provide core infrastructure support to the Elder Health Coalition by convening the multi-sector stakeholder group; facilitating action groups focused on action plan priorities; developing and beginning to implement a communication strategy; and engaging the involvement of consumer stakeholders.
    Amount Awarded: $125,000