June 18, 2012
Endowment for Health
To expand diversity within the nursing workforce and nursing education faculty in NH by promoting awareness of the nursing profession among youth from diverse cultures and supporting underrepresented populations to earn a Master
Amount Awarded:
June 18, 2012
University of New Hampshire
To develop a common understanding among policy makers about (1) the issues associated with aging and long-term care needs and the potential impact of those issues on New Hampshire's health and (2) the role that policy makers can play in advancing the efforts for a more balanced system of care for the aging population and future needs of long term care services by convening aging thought leaders and stakeholders to identify factors influencing the future of the long term care system in New Hampshire, identify policy implications and gaps, and propose policy solutions, and educate the New Hampshire legislature about those issues and opportunities.
Amount Awarded:
June 18, 2012
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To enhance the capacity of NH's leaders and organizations by providing resources to support national and statewide learning opportunities and funding for grant writers.
Amount Awarded:
June 18, 2012
Lakes Region Partnership for Public Health, Inc.
To improve the health and well-being of the refugee population in Laconia by 1) conducting health education and outreach, 2) building capacity and a local network of cultural competency trainers in the health care system, and 3) developing a team of volunteers to help address the basic health needs of newly-arrived refugees while promoting self-sufficiency and integration.
Amount Awarded:
June 18, 2012
Leadership New Hampshire
To build a community of informed leaders in NH to increase civic engagement and strengthen communities through connecting and educating a diverse pool of engaged or emerging leaders about the State of New Hampshire.
Amount Awarded:
June 18, 2012
Community Bridges
To improve the availability of and access to high quality early childhood mental health supports and services for NH's young children (aged birth to six) and their families by creating and implementing a state early childhood mental health competency system for NH professionals serving this population and by collaborating with the NH Early Childhood Advisory Council on systems building.
Amount Awarded:
June 18, 2012
Families in Transition
To improve the mental health and academic outcomes of homeless children by providing evidence-based, family strengthening therapeutic treatment and advocacy integrated within trauma-informed preschool and afterschool programming.
Amount Awarded:
June 18, 2012
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To improve the mental health of NH's children and their families by convening a children's mental health collaborative of diverse interests, establishing a baseline of knowledge among participants, developing a statewide, comprehensive, strategic plan, and broadly disseminating it.
Amount Awarded:
June 18, 2012
Foundation for Healthy Communities
To promote health and equity in NH and address health disparities in NH by developing the NH Health & Equity Partnership (H&EP) focusing on strengthening partnerships through advancing leadership, enhancing knowledge, and fostering networking and collaboration.
Amount Awarded:
June 18, 2012
National Alliance on Mental Illness-New Hampshire
To ensure quality advocacy, knowledge development and nonprofit capacity building for the mental health system which supports NH's children and their families by sustaining the general operations of key related NH nonprofits.
Amount Awarded:
June 18, 2012
New Hampshire Legal Assistance
To ensure delinquent and CHINS youth receive the mental health, educational and other services they need by providing civil legal services in collaboration with courts, juvenile services officers, public defenders, mental health providers, schools and other key organizations serving children and youth.
Amount Awarded:
June 18, 2012
International Institute of Boston/New Hampshire
To develop a viable Manchester-based food hub that will improve the health outcomes of low-income Manchester consumers through democratized access to fresh produce by conducting a feasibility study to understand consumer demands and needs, document production capacity, develop a simulated financial model, and determine optimal operational structure.
Amount Awarded: