September 20, 2023
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To fund costs associated with compensation for advisors, translation and interpretation, consultants, conference meeting space, and other convening costs.
Amount Awarded:
August 29, 2023
New Hampshire Community Loan Fund
To fund operating costs associated with creating a Minority Owned Business Lending Program.
Amount Awarded:
August 29, 2023
Positive Street Art
To fund costs associated with the workshops.
Amount Awarded:
August 23, 2023
New Hampshire Public Radio
To fund operations.
Amount Awarded:
August 23, 2023
New Hampshire Public Health Association
To fund operating costs.
Amount Awarded:
August 23, 2023
New Hampshire Legal Assistance
To fund operating costs.
Amount Awarded:
August 23, 2023
University of New Hampshire
To fund staffing and consulting costs, including compensation for community member participation, and related project expenses.
Amount Awarded:
August 23, 2023
Foundation for Healthy Communities
To fund staffing, data acquisition, meeting, and learning material costs in support of convening a multi-stakeholder learning collaborative.
Amount Awarded:
August 7, 2023
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To fund operational costs.
Amount Awarded:
August 1, 2023
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To fund consultant costs associated with conducting background research and develop community engagement documents.
Amount Awarded:
July 21, 2023
The Feminist Health Center of Portsmouth
To fund a strategic planning consultant.
Amount Awarded:
July 1, 2023
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To fund consultant costs associated with managing the database of indicators, analysis and interpretation of new data, updating the online data display, and dissemination to targeted audiences.
Amount Awarded: