Claremont Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry Meals

Claremont Soup Kitchen, Inc.

Claremont, NH

The Claremont Soup Kitchen & Food Pantry hope to accomplish feeding & providing food boxes to everyone who comes to us in need. We hope to accomplish this task through the funding we receive from grants. We hope to purchase nutritious foods, fresh fruit, veg. & meats so families may prepare a balanced meal. We will use the food to prepare & serve a nutritious meal at the soup kitchen. We hope to split the money between the Soup Kitchen & Food Pantry to purchase food we need to supply our depleted supply.


Amount Awarded: $4,146.00
Award Date: July 9, 2003
Time Frame: July 9, 2003 - December 9, 2003

EH Contact

Sue Fulton
+1 603-228-2448 ext. 5