Greater Derry/Greater Salem Regional Transportation Council

Greater Derry/Gr. Salem Regional Transportation Council

Derry, NH

Created to work on developing a plan to meet the transportation needs of this region, RTC evolved into a provider of demand/response transport services to the isolated, frail and elderly. In the 2001/2002 project year, RTC became involved through a DOT grant, in a planning activity to assess need and develop a broad solution for transit services in this region in cooperation with the Regional Planning Commission of Southern NH, Rockingham County and Nashua. As the study process unfolds, with the first report expected in October, diminishing resources for operating expenses have forced the Council to eliminate the single paid position and dedicate all resources to service delivery and implementing study recommendations when available. At a critical point in furthering the efforts to design a creative system of transportation for local communities, the Regional Transportation Council is seeking immediate emergency assistance for the Endowment for Health leveraged with committed resources from the Alexander Eastman Foundation and the Community Transit Association of American to sustain the organization as the solution develops and support that activity.

At the end of September will receive the recommendations of the Regional Planning Commission study of transportation needs in this region. It is expected that recommendations will include creation of a simplified call center for coordination of paratransit vehicles across 11 communities, as well as the first steps towards creating a regional transit authority through NHDOT. CTAA, RTC will work to implement the recommendations of the Regional Planning Commission study as agreed to by stakeholder participants through year-end. such activities will include stakeholder buy-in, model planning and fund development. through-out the period, the Council will continue to provide demand/response transport services to the frail and elderly of the area as solution development unfolds.


Amount Awarded: $10,000.00
Award Date: September 24, 2002
Time Frame: October 1, 2002 - April 14, 2004

EH Contact

Sue Fulton
+1 603-228-2448 ext. 5