Race & Equity in NH Series

Building Foundations for a More Equitable Future for All
How do we address racial inequities and engage in a dialogue that includes the leadership voices of everyone? Developing genuine respect and appreciation for the contributions of our diverse community entails more than just tolerance. It requires the creation of systems, policies and programs that support racial equity and fairness so that everyone can prosper.
Now is the time to talk about what we want our communities and state to be - and what it means to be truly welcoming, inclusive and equitable for everyone in the Granite State. That is why the Endowment supports the Race & Equity in New Hampshire Series. The series includes important convenings of diverse stakeholders as well as ongoing work groups tackling racial justice and equity challenges within six key sectors, including civic engagement, economic development, education, government, health and law enforcement/criminal justice. (Access Workgroup Sector Fact Sheets)
On April 29, 2019, the Endowment for Health and its community partners held the second Symposium on Race & Equity in NH (Symposium 2.0). More than 350 people attended and engaged in sharing, listening and interacting. Symposium 2.0 provided the opportunity for active review and discussion of six Draft Sector Action Plans to address race and equity issues in NH in the six key sectors. More than 100 volunteer workgroup members participated in a 7-month Action Planning Process to develop these draft plans. Incorporating recommendations from Symposium 2.0 attendees, the draft plans will be updated in the next action planning process, leading to specific steps to make our communities more welcoming and equitable places for all people choosing to live, learn, work and play in NH.