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  • January 1, 2019

    NH 10 Year Mental Health Plan

    This Plan was developed from a statewide stakeholder process that included input from hundreds of interested parties who took a critical look at the current system. Input came from focus groups, workgroups, and public sessions held in recent weeks. The Plan addresses the needs of individuals and families across the continuum of care, and provides innovative models to meet the evolving environment and increasing complexity of the mental health system. DHHS has taken the work that came forward from this public process in shaping its final recommendations.
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  • July 27, 2016

    A Study of Best Practice in Parent Engagement and Leadership Development

    he New Hampshire Endowment for Health and the New Hampshire Office of Student Wellness, within the New Hampshire Department of Education, have partnered to support a project to assist New Hampshire public system stakeholders to expand and improve parent, family, and youth engagement in community and state activities that promote the social-emotional development and behavioral health of New Hampshire’s children. One product of this project is a Study of Best Practices in Parent Engagement and Leadership Development, detailing best practices currently in use across the country.
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  • July 26, 2016

    A Study of Best Practice in Youth Engagement and Leadership Development

    This report offers an explication of the youth engagement philosophy and presents strategies to achieve youth engagement that reflect a current understanding of best practices. This report is a companion to “A Study of Best Practices in Parent Engagement and Leadership Development” prepared for the New Hampshire Department of Education and the Endowment for Health. The report begins with discussions of resilience and positive youth development to set the foundation for understanding best practices in youth engagement, followed by a presentation of best practices.
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  • July 7, 2016

    Gap Analysis of NH Family and Youth Engagement Practices Conducted

    he New Hampshire Endowment for Health and the New Hampshire Office of Student Wellness, within the New Hampshire Department of Education, have partnered to support a project to assist New Hampshire stakeholders to expand and improve parent and youth engagement in community and state activities that promote the social-emotional development and behavioral health of New Hampshire’s children. This document, Gap Analysis provides a brief set of recommendations for moving forward. The Gap Analysis was conducted by comparing types of Best Practices described in the initial products produced by the project to the types of practices identified through multiple information-seeking actions about current NH practices.
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  • Early Childhood and Family Mental Health Credential

    A credential that validates experience, commitment and competence in the fields of Early Childhood and Mental Health, jointly endorsed by NHAIMH and the Child Development Bureau of NH Health and Human Services.
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