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  • September 30, 2019

    IRS Form 990-PF 9.30.19

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  • September 30, 2019

    2019 Audited Financial Statements

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  • June 30, 2019

    IRS 990-PF 6.30.19

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  • April 29, 2019

    Video: Overview/Symposium 2.0 April 2019

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  • April 1, 2019

    NH Healthy Aging Data Report

    The Healthy Aging Data Report will help advocates and leaders across the state understand more about the health of older people in NH. The report includes 244 Community Profiles — one for every city and town in New Hampshire, plus neighborhoods in Nashua and Manchester.
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  • March 1, 2019

    Home- and Community-Based Care Service Delivery Limited by Workforce Challenges (Issue Brief)

    New Hampshire Choices for Independence (CFI) Medicaid Waiver services provide home- and community-based services to individuals who are chronically ill or have a disability and prefer to stay in their homes or communities but might otherwise need the level of care only provided in nursing homes, which typically result in more expensive treatment. The NH Fiscal Policy Institute research identified that increases to Medicaid rates could contribute to sustaining and expanding this vital workforce.
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  • March 1, 2019

    NH Children's Behavioral Health Core Competencies

    The NH Children’s Behavioral Health Competencies are designed to improve the quality, consistency, and efficiency of the behavioral health service delivery system for children, adolescents, and their families and to create a foundation for training individuals who work with children and adolescents with behavioral health challenges and their families
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  • March 1, 2019

    Home- and Community-Based Care Service Delivery Limited by Workforce Challenges (Fact Sheet)

    New Hampshire Choices for Independence (CFI) Medicaid Waiver services provide home- and community-based services to individuals who are chronically ill or have a disability and prefer to stay in their homes or communities but might otherwise need the level of care only provided in nursing homes, which typically result in more expensive treatment. The NH Fiscal Policy Institute research identified that increases to Medicaid rates could contribute to sustaining and expanding this vital workforce.
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  • January 24, 2019

    Advancing Investments in the Early Years

    Opportunities for Strategic Investments in Evidence-Based Early Childhood Programs in NH. Rand Corporation, Lynn A. Karoly
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  • January 1, 2019

    NH 10 Year Mental Health Plan

    This Plan was developed from a statewide stakeholder process that included input from hundreds of interested parties who took a critical look at the current system. Input came from focus groups, workgroups, and public sessions held in recent weeks. The Plan addresses the needs of individuals and families across the continuum of care, and provides innovative models to meet the evolving environment and increasing complexity of the mental health system. DHHS has taken the work that came forward from this public process in shaping its final recommendations.
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  • December 1, 2018

    Strengthening Early Childhood Governance in New Hampshire: Approaches to Consider

    In New Hampshire, and in many States across the nation, programs and services that support young children and their families are fragmented, uncoordinated and often create a complex maze for families to navigate. Early childhood governance concerns the way state government organizes and locates authority and accountability for publicly funded programs and services for young children and families. Such governance would create a system that supports children and families to ensure that all of New Hampshire’s families have equitable access to developmental opportunities for their children. This report of the Early Childhood Governance Task Force analyzes NH’s current structure, highlights different approaches other states have taken to strengthen governance, and makes preliminary recommendations.
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  • November 1, 2018

    Developing a Foundation for Integrated Care Coordination

    The Center on Aging and Community Living at UNH, in conjunction with other subject matter experts from the NH Alliance for Healthy Aging (NH AHA), engaged in conversations about care coordination between 2016-2017 that formed the framework for this brief. Published in 2018, the document describes care coordination efforts in three major systems of care: medical, community social service, and informal support.
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