August 15, 2024
Hospital mergers have changed the healthcare landscape in New Hampshire over the past 20 years and another major merger is pending review. There are important ways community members can provide input.
February 29, 2024
Endowment for Health funded University of New Hampshire Institute for Health Policy and Practice Health (UNH IHPP) research in 2023 focused on the provision of primary care in NH, which IHPP addressed through two reports and a focus group. The reports included a landscape on existing best-practice literature in primary care and, a review of assessment tools for evaluating primary care services and delivery. This paper provides a summary and findings of the focus group.
February 29, 2024
The Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP) of the College of Health and Human Services at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) contracted with Sarah Mason Eck of Scientific Health to provide a review of existing New Hampshire (NH) assessments and reports surrounding practices in primary care. The primary goals of this assignment were to review and synthesize data from within existing state, regional, and national assessments and reports regarding primary care and capacity in NH, and to review the literature for evidence-based best practices in primary health care.
February 29, 2024
The objectives of this report are to develop a synthesis of tools and recommendations for collecting data from patients and clinicians related to primary care services and care delivery, and to create a report of recommended tools that have been used and validated, with an appendix of the actual survey instruments when they are available and can be used either with permission or for a fee.
April 13, 2023
To inform planning for a healthcare consumer advocate program (HCAP) in New Hampshire, Hope Worden Kenefick, MSW, PhD, conducted interviews with leaders in other consumer advocate programs across the country, including two programs in New Hampshire. This reports summarizes her findings.
August 31, 2022
This August 2022 brief provides updates to the Insurance Coverage and Marketplace “Covering the Care Briefs” that were previously published by the Institute for Health Policy and Practice at UNH, providing information about coverage in 2020 and 2021.
June 23, 2022
Rising health costs and problems with affordability are impacting individuals and families and disrupting healthcare access across the country and in New Hampshire. Over 200 participants joined a discussion on what can be done to make healthcare equitable and affordable in New Hampshire.
June 22, 2022
Rising health costs and problems with affordability are impacting individuals and families and disrupting healthcare access across the country and in New Hampshire. Over 200 participants joined a discussion on what can be done to make healthcare equitable and affordable in New Hampshire.
October 14, 2021
On December 30, 2019, GraniteOne Health (GO) filed a notice of a proposed transaction with Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health (D-HH). These systems propose to combine to form a NH-based, integrated, and regionally distributed health care system called Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health GraniteOne (D-HH GO). This fact sheet lists the potential benefits and potential concerns of the transaction and provides information about access, quality and costs of care.
October 14, 2021
On December 30, 2019, GraniteOne Health (GO) filed a notice of a proposed transaction with Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health (D-HH). These systems propose to combine to form a NH-based, integrated, and regionally distributed health care system called Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health GraniteOne (D-HH GO). This fact sheet lists the potential benefits and potential concerns of the transaction and provides information about access, quality and costs of care.
October 14, 2021
On December 30, 2019, GraniteOne Health (GO) filed a notice of a proposed transaction with Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health (D-HH). These systems propose to combine to form a NH-based, integrated, and regionally distributed health care system called Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health GraniteOne (D-HH GO). This fact sheet lists the potential benefits and potential concerns of the transaction and provides information about access, quality and costs of care.
July 1, 2021
Listen to the recording of the June 16, 2021 event "Healthcare Sustainability: Perspectives on Cost, Affordability, and Access," hosted by UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law and the Institute for Health Policy and Practice.