Awarded Grants

Grant Filter

  • Awarded June 16, 2008

    Frameworks Youth Suicide Prevention Project

    National Alliance on Mental Illness-New Hampshire

    To improve understanding of how to effectively reduce youth suicide (up to age 24) and to increase the earlier use of mental health care services of youth and their families by testing the effectiveness of anti-stigma messages, collecting and analyzing data to demonstrate that Frameworks is an evidenced based youth suicide prevention practice.
    Amount Awarded: $140,207
  • Awarded June 16, 2008

    Planning a Continuum of Care For Adolescents With Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders


    To develop an integrated continuum of care for youth with co-occurring disorders in the Seacoast by convening local partners and stakeholders and developing a collaborative regional model to be implemented by partner agencies.
    Amount Awarded: $16,806
  • Awarded June 16, 2008

    Coalition of African Organizations

    Somali Development Center

    To create a comprehensive plan to improve collaboration among the Coalition members by hiring a consultant to assess the coalition's opportunities and challenges, outline a three-year strategic plan, negotiate conflict, and identify potential partners.
    Amount Awarded: $28,665
  • Awarded June 16, 2008

    Healthy Babies/Healthy Children

    PathWays of the River Valley

    To improve access to a full range of health care for children in the Upper Valley from birth to the child's sixth year by normalizing the inclusion of social/emotional wellness and supports in primary care settings and to increase the capacity of the early childhood mental health system to meet the needs of young children.
    Amount Awarded: $112,665
  • Awarded June 16, 2008

    Wraparound Infrastructure

    Strafford Learning Center

    To improve the outcomes of children with complex mental health needs by developing an infrastructure to implement a high-quality, measurable, and sustainable Wraparound process in Strafford County.
    Amount Awarded: $182,864
  • Awarded June 16, 2008

    New England Alliance for Children's Health

    Community Catalyst, Inc.

    To expand children's healthcare access and coverage in NH, the region and on the national level by working collaboratively with a wide-range of organizations on SCHIP reauthorization and implementation, engaging the business community in children's healthcare advocacy efforts, providing specific support to NH stakeholders to increase and protect children's healthcare coverage.
    Amount Awarded: $50,000
  • Awarded June 16, 2008

    Securing the Future of the Primary Care Medical Home

    Crotched Mountain Foundation

    To improve the quality, effectiveness and availability of primary care for all New Hampshire residents by promoting primary care as a medical home that provides patient-centered primary care and coordinates all other care.
    Amount Awarded: $189,532
  • Awarded June 16, 2008

    Building Capacity to Provide RENEW

    University of New Hampshire

    To improve the educational, community and health outcomes for youth with emotional and behavioral disorders as they transition from adolescence to adulthood by partnering with three community mental health centers and a residential facility to implement this research-based intervention and by overcoming the reimbursement and funding barriers to ensure system wide replication in NH.
    Amount Awarded: $216,423
  • Awarded June 16, 2008

    Increasing Public Health Data Analysis Capacity

    Community Health Institute/JSI Research & Training

    To develop increased data analysis capability of public health data by developing capacity to use Bayesian spatial modeling to assess uncommon events and small populations to make better predictions of risk and to make that information available to stakeholders and the public.
    Amount Awarded: $21,156
  • Awarded June 16, 2008

    Manchester Sustainable Access Project (MSAP)

    Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester

    To improve access to comprehensive health services for Manchester's most vulnerable residents by establishing a community health care network that will provide integrated oral health, mental health and primary care services.
    Amount Awarded: $239,947
  • Awarded June 16, 2008

    Electronic Medical Record Feasibility Study for NH's Community Mental Health Centers

    New Hampshire Community Behavioral Health Association

    To implement an electronic health record system across NH's community mental health centers by engaging in a comprehensive planning effort to understand the clinical, financial, data analysis, and reporting needs of stakeholders and developing recommendations.
    Amount Awarded: $41,388
  • Awarded June 16, 2008

    Community Food Security in New Hampshire

    University of New Hampshire

    To examine food access and affordability at the community level in New Hampshire and the extent to which dietary-related illness is associated with reduced access to healthy foods by conducting a research study about the availability of quality, affordable food across the state.
    Amount Awarded: $36,095