June 16, 2008
Foundation for Healthy Communities
To improve the quality of healthcare offered by New Hampshire hospitals and other providers by promoting cultural effectiveness within organizations and facilitating innovation to ensure delivery of culturally sensitive and appropriate care via the Medical Interpretation Advisory Board and a Cultural Awareness Healthcare Workgroup.
Amount Awarded:
June 16, 2008
Developmental Services of Strafford County, Inc.
To develop a plan to screen, assess and refer young children (birth to age 6) and their families in need of evidence-based behavioral health services by working collaboratively with Strafford County pediatricians, child care providers and other key stakeholders to understand need and enhance knowledge.
Amount Awarded:
June 16, 2008
New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits
To build the unity of the nonprofit sector and strengthen its understanding of what and how leadership is developed and the leadership opportunities and challenges of the future for the nonprofit community by convening nonprofit leaders, foundation community, and business partners for a 2008 Nonprofit Leadership Summit.
Amount Awarded:
June 16, 2008
Tri County Community Action Program, Inc.
To improve access to health and health care by continuing development of a regional transportation system for the Carroll County region.
Amount Awarded:
May 14, 2008
New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits
To provide access to research-based tools for nonprofits to better understand their operational strengths/weaknesses, assess their internal capacity needs, and plan strategically for their future.
Amount Awarded:
May 14, 2008
The Way Home
To empower and strengthen the role and participation of African women and girls in reducing health disparities by removing or reducing some of the social and cultural barriers to access health services.
Amount Awarded:
May 14, 2008
New Hampshire Council of Churches
To develop leadership in the faith community for advocacy on health system reform by supporting participation in a national summit discussion of role of faith community in policy issues.
Amount Awarded:
April 21, 2008
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To improve the financial sustainability of New Hampshire's Community Health Center's and Critical Access Hospitals by developing a better understanding of their financial condition by updating a fiscal and economic analysis.
Amount Awarded:
April 21, 2008
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To help create lasting system change to improve the health and reduce the burden of illness for the people of New Hampshire by training health system stakeholders in the use of systems dynamics modeling to effectively address health system challenges.
Amount Awarded:
April 11, 2008
Bi-State Primary Care Association
To improve coordination and integration of patient care at community health centers and community mental health centers by providing access to affordable educational workshops for their staff.
Amount Awarded:
April 10, 2008
Mid-State Health Center
To assure long-range financial stability of the organization by procuring the services of a technical assistance provider.
Amount Awarded:
March 17, 2008
New England Network for Child, Youth & Family Services, Inc.
To create a comprehensive plan to improve the career development and retention of children's mental health counselors who provide front-line intervention to children with severe emotional disorders by conducting a needs assessment; identifying and engaging organizational partners; and developing a collaborative plan to deliver an integrated professional development system for front-line children's mental health counselors with NH service providers.
Amount Awarded: