Awarded Grants

Grant Filter

  • Awarded March 17, 2008

    Sullivan County Community Mobility Project

    Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission

    To improve community constituency in Sullivan County by developing a transportation coordination pilot in Charlestown and by planning and developing a Regional Coordinating Council for transportation in Sullivan County.
    Amount Awarded: $12,930
  • Awarded March 17, 2008

    The NH Grants Institute

    Council on Fund Raising New Hampshire (CONFR)

    To develop a plan for a New Hampshire Grants Institute by conducting a needs assessment, researching best practices, and developing, implementing and evaluating a pilot program.
    Amount Awarded: $11,095
  • Awarded March 17, 2008

    Mental Health Services for NH's Young Children and their Families: Planning to Improve Access and Outcomes

    New Hampshire Association for Infant Mental Health

    To improve outcomes for young children (birth to age six years) and their families by collecting data and developing and promoting a plan for a cohesive, integrated system of mental health services and supports founded on evidence-based and promising practices.
    Amount Awarded: $61,839
  • Awarded March 17, 2008

    AVH - Adapting to Change Proposal

    Androscoggin Valley Hospital

    To better meet the health needs of the AVH service area by better understanding care-seeking patterns in the community.
    Amount Awarded: $10,000
  • Awarded March 17, 2008

    Advancing Children's Mental Health Care

    New England Network for Child, Youth & Family Services, Inc.

    To create a comprehensive plan to improve the career development and retention of children's mental health counselors who provide front-line intervention to children with severe emotional disorders by conducting a needs assessment; identifying and engaging organizational partners; and developing a collaborative plan to deliver an integrated professional development system for front-line children's mental health counselors with NH service providers.
    Amount Awarded: $15,900
  • Awarded March 17, 2008

    Advocating Implementation of LEP Services for Injured Immigrant and Refugee Workers

    New Hampshire Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health

    To increase access to workers' compensation medical benefits for injured immigrant workers.
    Amount Awarded: $10,000
  • Awarded March 17, 2008

    Health Education - Youth Empowerment

    New Hampshire Minority Health Coalition

    To improve health and access to health care services for African immigrant/refugee youth and their families by conducting a needs assessment, developing leadership skills among African youth and creating strategies to address the identified needs.
    Amount Awarded: $27,155
  • Awarded March 17, 2008

    Sullivan County Oral Health Collaborative

    Sullivan County Oral Health Collaborative, Inc.

    To create a sustainable dental practice for preventative and restorative care that is accessible to all Sullivan County residents including the uninsured, underinsured and Medicaid eligible families.
    Amount Awarded: $145,000
  • Awarded March 17, 2008

    Analysis of NH School-Based Mental Health

    New Hampshire Center for Public Policy Studies

    To enhance our understanding of the provision of mental health services within NH's schools by conducting a comprehensive analysis of the contractual relationships between schools and community mental health centers and by surveying a sample of school districts
    Amount Awarded: $62,625
  • Awarded March 17, 2008

    Increasing resiliency through after-school programs and mental health centers

    Seacoast Mental Health Center

    To create a comprehensive statewide plan to build resiliency and increase overall mental health in youth through after-school programming by supporting a planning process and developing a training curriculum, technical assistance and evaluation resources.
    Amount Awarded: $20,256
  • Awarded March 17, 2008

    Understanding NH's Healthcare System: Structure and Finance

    New Hampshire Center for Public Policy Studies

    To enhance public understanding and public policy regarding health care access and finance by providing information and analysis to stakeholders in health care and health policy, including the Citizens Health Initiative and other groups working on health
    Amount Awarded: $55,775
  • Awarded February 19, 2008


    Capitol Center for the Arts

    To broaden public awareness of the personal and policy issues around intergenerational substance abuse through the presentation of the award winning drama Wrecked at the Capitol Center for the Arts.
    Amount Awarded: $1,363