Awarded Grants

Grant Filter

  • Awarded June 19, 2006

    New Hampshire Telehealth Program

    Trustees of Dartmouth College

    To improve access to appropriate health, education, mental health and social services by maximizing the use of cost-effective telehealth technologies through implementation of a coordinated statewide telehealth program.
    Amount Awarded: $134,299
  • Awarded June 19, 2006

    Health First Family Care Center, Second Site, Laconia, NH

    Health First Family Care Center, Inc.

    To increase access to primary health care services to all individuals in the Laconia area, regardless of their ability to pay, race, ethnicity, or cultural diversity, by opening a new site of the Health First Family Care Center.
    Amount Awarded: $85,000
  • Awarded June 19, 2006

    Engaging the Dental Community to Strengthen and Expand NH's Oral Health Workforce

    Bi-State Primary Care Association

    To strengthen and expand the health career pipeline to support the recruitment of dentists to NH by engaging key oral health stakeholders in the development, coordination, and implementation of new pipeline activities.
    Amount Awarded: $167,540
  • Awarded June 19, 2006

    Training Oral Health Providers to Motivate Patients to Quit Smoking

    Community Health Institute/JSI Research & Training

    To increase the capacity of oral health providers to provide a smoking cessation intervention with their patients by offering an integrated office-based system and training in their clinical setting.
    Amount Awarded: $60,942
  • Awarded June 19, 2006

    Web-based Program Training Transition Grant

    New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits

    To transition NH Center for Nonprofits' website and e-mail newsletter, Nonprofit Notes, to a new program developer by providing quality training, mentoring, and education.
    Amount Awarded: $15,000
  • Awarded June 19, 2006

    Waolowzi Program

    Ndakinna, Inc.

    To promote good health and positive life choices among Native youth by providing guest speakers on health related topics, and activities to teach youth good nutrition, physical well-being, healthy life-styles and a positive self-image.
    Amount Awarded: $7,150
  • Awarded June 19, 2006

    Molar Express

    North Country Health Consortium

    To develop a mobile dental initiative to address the unmet oral health needs of the population of Coos and Northern Grafton Counties.
    Amount Awarded: $161,477
  • Awarded June 19, 2006

    Mount Washington Valley Dental Project Year 3

    White Mountain Community Health Center

    To improve the oral health of low income individuals by improving access to care and knowledge of the critical importance of maintaining good oral health.
    Amount Awarded: $30,000
  • Awarded June 19, 2006

    Cultural Competency and Quality Healthcare

    Foundation for Healthy Communities

    To improve access to the quality of healthcare offered by New Hampshire hospitals and other healthcare providers by promoting cultural competency within organizations and developing models or systems that ensure delivery of culturally sensitive and appropriate care.
    Amount Awarded: $162,342
  • Awarded June 19, 2006

    Language Bank

    Lutheran Social Services of Northern New England

    To improve access to healthcare by providing a high quality, comprehensive language interpretation service that will assist both persons who are limited in their English proficiency and staff at medical facilities/social service agencies to communicate without linguistic or cultural barriers.
    Amount Awarded: $70,835
  • Awarded June 19, 2006

    In SHAPE Program III

    Monadnock Family Services

    To increase the life expectancy of individuals who have or are at risk of developing Severe & Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI) by providing resources and supports to reduce the risks of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and substance abuse through a variety of community based interventions.
    Amount Awarded: $66,483
  • Awarded June 19, 2006

    NH Health Professionals Loan Program

    Trustees of Dartmouth College

    To improve recruitment and retention of healthcare professionals, including mid-level practitioners, physicians, and dentists in primary care, mental and oral health, for underserved areas of the state with a New Hampshire Health Professions Loan Program, by convening 2 meetings of stakeholders who will consider 1) a sustainable financial model and 2) a plan to develop and implement this Program.
    Amount Awarded: $15,000