June 21, 2004
North Country Health Consortium
To facilitate access of NH residents to needed health care by developing and implementing technology-based solutions to enhance and strengthen communications among health and human service providers by community installation of products, by enhancement of new product features and by developing a new tool which makes the system cost effective for all NH nonprofits able to participate in technology to improve access to consumers, to transition to a private enterprise corporate model which sustains its customer base, to expand membership to new markets and to increase collaboration with other service providers in the state.
Amount Awarded:
June 21, 2004
New Hampshire Department of Health & Human Services
To determine a NH best practice school-based dental sealant program by implementing and evaluating three models which build on the existing infrastructure of established school-based programs, use of volunteer dentists to provide required patient assessment and targeting Title I schools with students at highest risk for dental disease.
Amount Awarded:
June 21, 2004
North Country Health Consortium
To improve the health status of the underserved populations in the North County by community care coordination.
Amount Awarded:
June 21, 2004
White Mountain Community Health Center
To improve the oral health of the residents of Mt. Washington Valley by developing a school based dental program, by providing the prenatal patients of the White Mountain Health Center with comprehensive dental care, by providing referrals and vouchers to patients who present themselves at the Memorial Hospital Emergency Department with acute oral pain, and by providing a comprehensive educational program on the importance of good oral health.
Amount Awarded:
June 21, 2004
National Alliance on Mental Illness-New Hampshire
To assure increased access to culturally and linguistic appropriate mental healthcare for the growing Latino population in NH through consultation and training in recommended systemic change processes in existing Latino/Hispanic population centers in NH.
Amount Awarded:
June 21, 2004
New Hampshire Public Radio
To enhance public understanding of health care issues by increasing NHPR's capacity to regularly and extensively cover health care especially EH themes.
Amount Awarded:
June 21, 2004
Northeast Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services
To change funding for access to services, social and health care by NH's deaf and hard of hearing population through policy and legislative change where appropriate by working with NH state agency representatives.
Amount Awarded:
May 18, 2004
Greater Derry/Gr. Salem Regional Transportation Council
To continue to provide demand response transportation services to the elderly and disabled of the Gr. Derry region until the anticipated infusion of FTA funding for transportation is received by leveraging a local donation with foundation match.
Amount Awarded:
May 7, 2004
New Hampshire Pediatric Society
To increase the knowledge of NH pediatricians on children's oral health by convening with national children's oral health experts
Amount Awarded:
April 23, 2004
Fall Mountain Regional School District
To hire a 50 percent FTE coordinator for the Fall Mountain Healthy Youth Initiative to begin to embed the 40 Youth Development Assets developed by the Search Institute among the individuals and organizations in our community working with young people.
Amount Awarded:
April 22, 2004
Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester
To replace an air exchanger, an unanticipated expense followed by budget reductions of $1M in FY 2004 and anticipated reduction of more than $1.5 in FY 2005.
Amount Awarded:
April 13, 2004
Nashua High School South
To make Nashua High School South Heart Safe by purchasing three (3) Automatic External Defibrillator (AEDs) which will be available to the community utilizing our school for outside events and during our school calendar year. In conjuction with the local the local fire department and ambulance who will provide training and technical support services for our program.
Amount Awarded: