June 21, 2004
Lutheran Social Services of Northern New England
To improve access to healthcare by providing a high quality, comprehensive, sustainable language interpretation service that will assist both persons who are limited in their proficiency of English and staff at medical facilities/social service agencies to communicate without linguistic or cultural barriers.
Amount Awarded:
June 21, 2004
North Country Health Consortium
To improve access to health care, employment and educational opportunites for residents of the North Country especially the mobility-impaired, by reducing geographic barriers posed by a lack of public transportation through the implementation of a reliable, affordable, sustainable transit system in the Littleton-Lancaster corridor.
Amount Awarded:
June 21, 2004
North Country Health Consortium
To develop a mobile dental initiative to address the unmet oral health needs of the populations of Coos and Northern Grafton Counties.
Amount Awarded:
June 21, 2004
Appalachian Mountain Teen Project
To continue to create a model for rural mental health care for children and adolescents in southern Carroll County through the development of a broad based community collaborative process and infrastructure.
Amount Awarded:
June 21, 2004
Monadnock Family Services
To increase the life expectancy of individuals who have or are at risk of developing Severe & Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI) by providing resources and supports to reduce the risks of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and substance abuse.
Amount Awarded:
June 21, 2004
Children's Alliance of New Hampshire
To improve the health and wellness outcomes of New Hamsphire's children by increased and coordinated action that improves policies and programs affecting children.
Amount Awarded:
June 21, 2004
Foundation for Healthy Communities
To strengthen the NH health care safety net (emergency care, primary care, specialty care and in-patient care ) by improving financial access systems based on uniform core principles for care for low-income uninsured and under-insured people statewide.
Amount Awarded:
June 21, 2004
New Hampshire Reproductive Health Association
To solidify the role of the NH Reproductive Health Association as a provider of education and advocacy promoting the dissemination of sound public health knowledge and supporting evidence-based practice in the area of reproductive health by implementing a strategic planning process which 1) builds an active, engaged membership base, 2) develops financial sustainability, 3) outlines a schedule of activities for the next two years.
Amount Awarded:
June 21, 2004
Center for Life Management
To improve the overall health (physical and mental) of the people of NH as a result of strengthening the working relationship between community mental health providers and primary healthcare physicians by conducting a planning initiative to create a best practice model to functionally integrate mental and physical health services in the greater Derry/Salem area.
Amount Awarded:
June 21, 2004
Goodwin Community Health Center
To improve access to preventive and restorative oral health for all under- and uninsured residents of Strafford County by integrating medical and dental services at Avis Goodwin Community Health Center, by providing education for medical providers on quality oral health assessment and by establishing a school based program for elementary children.
Amount Awarded:
June 21, 2004
Georgetown University
To support a quality NH Medicaid program by providing knowledge on the short and long term effects of the proposed Medicaid restructuring.
Amount Awarded:
June 21, 2004
Lutheran Social Services of Northern New England
To implement a model demonstration program in NH to enable elderly and chronically ill individuals, specifically in rural areas of NH, to obtain access to quality consumer-directed personal care services in their homes and in lieu of nursing home placement by providing fiscal intermediary and support services to the elderly and chronically ill as they hire, train and supervise their personal care workers.
Amount Awarded: