Awarded Grants

Grant Filter

  • Awarded September 20, 2004

    Homecare-Based Chronic Disease Management Model for Rural NH

    Home Healthcare, Hospice and Community Services, Inc.

    To develop an implementation plan for a model rural, home-based Chronic Disease Management program for diabetes and congestive heart failure in NH by researching and adapting optimal existing models/programs, patient education materials, staff training materials,telehealth technologies and electronic medical record software.
    Amount Awarded: $20,000
  • Awarded September 20, 2004

    Helping NH's Children Become Their Physical Best: Phase II

    Healthy Schools Inc.

    To identify, implement and evaluate methodolgies and interventions that most likely will improve the health profiles of NH's children by assessing, preventing and reducing the impact of poor nutrition and lack of exercise.
    Amount Awarded: $34,100
  • Awarded September 20, 2004

    NH Telehealth White Paper

    North Country Health Consortium

    To improve access to health care, particularly in rural areas, in NH by developing a framework for planning a collaborative statewide telehealth program through convening a panel of experts to write a NH Telehealth White Paper that will be a road map for planning and developing a statewide telehealth program.
    Amount Awarded: $8,068
  • Awarded September 20, 2004

    Peer Support


    To provide geographic access to all of the essential components of a quality recovery process for the mentally ill in the greater Concord/Franklin area by maintaining access to adequate services of the local peer support group during reorganization.
    Amount Awarded: $5,000
  • Awarded September 20, 2004

    Beta Testing Mobile Technology

    Riverbend Community Mental Health

    To evaluate the benefits and risks of its community based staff to use mobile technology by participating in the beta testing of new software.
    Amount Awarded: $7,727
  • Awarded September 20, 2004

    Coordinated Transportation & System Improvement

    Health First Family Care Center, Inc.

    To increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the current transportaion system of the Twin Rivers and Lakes regions in order to improve access to health care by establishing an effective working model for rural transportation for this NH region.
    Amount Awarded: $10,208
  • Awarded September 20, 2004

    Improving Outcomes for Adolecents

    Seacoast Mental Health Center

    To improve outcomes for adolescents participating in New Heights after-school programs by implementing a sustainable process to evaluate participants over time resulting in improved participant outcomes and an increase in cost effectiveness by determining which activities can be modified or eliminated.
    Amount Awarded: $6,965
  • Awarded July 28, 2004

    Pressure Mapping Technology for the Management of Pressure Ulcers

    ATECH Services

    To prevent pressure ulcers of all NH residents who have or are at a risk by providing access to the diagnostic technology known as Forse Sensing Array (FSA) which will result in clinical recommendations for a seating system that provides proper positioning, postural support and an optimal pressure-relieving cushion.
    Amount Awarded: $5,500
  • Awarded July 16, 2004

    CHS-Dental Access

    Greater Derry Community Health Services, Inc.

    To increase NH's knowledge of cost effective sustainable and responsive community oral health models by planning and implementing a practice based oral health program.
    Amount Awarded: $50,448
  • Awarded June 21, 2004

    Latino Access to Care

    National Alliance on Mental Illness-New Hampshire

    To assure increased access to culturally and linguistic appropriate mental healthcare for the growing Latino population in NH through consultation and training in recommended systemic change processes in existing Latino/Hispanic population centers in NH.
    Amount Awarded: $47,139
  • Awarded June 21, 2004

    Project: Health II

    New Hampshire Public Radio

    To enhance public understanding of health care issues by increasing NHPR's capacity to regularly and extensively cover health care especially EH themes.
    Amount Awarded: $25,000
  • Awarded June 21, 2004

    Deaf People Access Health Project III

    Northeast Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services

    To change funding for access to services, social and health care by NH's deaf and hard of hearing population through policy and legislative change where appropriate by working with NH state agency representatives.
    Amount Awarded: $70,240