September 20, 2004
University of NH School of Law
To address the gap between research and public policy re: cost, coverage and quality of health care in NH by creating a public policy roadmap for the Endowment's Citizen's Roundtable, by serving as a public policy guide for the Endowment's Pillar's Project and by enhancing the knowledge of NH key health stakeholders by providing onging monitoring and reporting on relevant health and public policy developments.
Amount Awarded:
September 20, 2004
Agape Ministries Servants, Inc
To help assure that the individuals and families of southern Carroll County have access to quality food by providing appropriate storage for food at the local food pantry.
Amount Awarded:
September 20, 2004
New Hampshire Minority Health Coalition
To plan a multi-year pilot in Manchester to improve the oral health of NH Latinos through behavioral change.
Amount Awarded:
September 20, 2004
Trustees of Dartmouth College
To conduct a systemic assessment of the effectiveness of the InShape program to improve fitness, promote health, and reduce the risk factors associated with excess disability and premature mortality in persons with SMI by a) refining and manualizing the IN SHAPE program, b) quantifying pre-post differences in physical activity, physical fitness, health status, affect, quality of life, and satisfaction with the IN SHAPE program, and c) by exploring age-associated modifications in the intervention necessary to address the needs of older and younger persons.
Amount Awarded:
September 20, 2004
Concord Regional Visiting Nurse Association
To strategically position NH community/home care agencies to meet the challenges of the future by convening a day long workshop of regional community home care experts for trustees and managers of NH community home care agencies.
Amount Awarded:
September 20, 2004
Delta Dental Plan of New Hampshire
To improve the oral health of the people of NH by creating and implementing a statewide oral health plan.
Amount Awarded:
September 20, 2004
Early Learning New Hampshire
To enhance the ability and interest of NH's early childhood educators to improve the health of NH's young children by convening a professional development conference for early childhood educators.
Amount Awarded:
September 20, 2004
University of New Hampshire
To better understand the health needs of NH's foster children in order to better meet their needs by gathering, analyzing and disseminating information to key stakeholders.
Amount Awarded:
September 20, 2004
Foundation for Healthy Communities
To successfully replicate and test expanding the disease focus of the community prevention and treatment initiative (CPTI) model in four NH communities.
Amount Awarded:
September 20, 2004
Granite State Organizing Project
To plan an initiative to reduce economic and/or geographic barriers to health care access in the Souhegan Valley by building relationships with, and gathering information from other health care stakeholders and residents who have had trouble with health care access; and by drawing on initiatives used successfully elsewhere.
Amount Awarded:
September 20, 2004
Children's Alliance of New Hampshire
To increase the understanding of the importance of oral health to the overall health of NH's children thereby creating a climate in which policy proposals to improve oral health are more likely to be understood and supported by conducting a best practice social awareness campaign.
Amount Awarded:
September 20, 2004
New Hampshire Children's Trust Fund
To raise awareness of the importance, value, costs of prevention particularly the impact on adult health of child abuse in NH.
Amount Awarded: