Awarded Grants

Grant Filter

  • Awarded September 24, 2002

    North Country Coordinated Transportation

    North Country Health Consortium

    To help fund the personnel capacity for the North Country Health Consortium to do an inventory and analysis of resources and needs and to design and begin implementation of a coordinated system in the Lancaster to Littleton route in conjunction with the pilot project to be funded by NH Department of Transportation.
    Amount Awarded: $9,502
  • Awarded September 24, 2002

    New Hampshire Access to Primary Care Indicator Project

    Trustees of Dartmouth College

    To collaboratively develop and analyze a series of economic, socio-cultural and geographic indicators for access barriers to primary care services within Primary Care Service Areas--geographic areas directly related to primary care utilization patterns in the State using existing and newly available data and to disseminate this information through NH DHHS and in research papers to assist in reducing disparities in NH in the availability and utilization of primary care services.
    Amount Awarded: $83,817
  • Awarded September 24, 2002

    Strategic Planning for Oral Health Services

    North Country Health Consortium

    To help fund a forum for North Country Health Consortium members and other partners to come together with the support of a consultant to develop a strategic plan for long-term, sustainable access to oral health services for all North Country residents.
    Amount Awarded: $15,000
  • Awarded September 24, 2002

    Keeping NH' s Child Caregiver's Healthy

    Early Learning New Hampshire

    To define the scope of the health insurance crisis currently plaguing NH's child care industry by conducting in partnership with others a survey targeted to child care providers regarding health insurance coverage and disseminating this information to key stakeholders, business leaders, legislators, potential funders, and child care providers.
    Amount Awarded: $7,250
  • Awarded September 24, 2002

    Call to Action - Child Abuse in NH

    Prevent Child Abuse New Hampshire

    To determine the scope of the problem of child abuse in NH in a way that better informs prevention, intervention and treatment efforts.
    Amount Awarded: $50,000
  • Awarded September 24, 2002

    Community Health Prevention & Treatment Initiative

    Foundation for Healthy Communities

    To build upon Healthy NH 2010 to create a community health model to provide better access to prevention and treatment particularly for vulnerable populations by examining the processes related to how policies, networks (formal, informal), institutions and the public interact to produce more effective prevention and treatment strategies in the community.
    Amount Awarded: $75,000
  • Awarded September 24, 2002

    Smiling Faces Dental Center

    Strafford County Community Action Committee

    To conduct the planning activities necessary to successfully establish a Community Dental Center which provides access to affordable dental care to low-income, uninsured, underinsured residents of Southern Strafford County.
    Amount Awarded: $11,956
  • Awarded September 24, 2002

    Grapevine Rural Access to Health and Human Services

    Grapevine Family and Community Resource Center

    Project will ensure local access to health and human services and support through family resource centers in every community in NH by creating a pilot model which provides local access to DHHS and contracting providers; supports and advocates for people navigating the service system; and facilitates civic dialogue, leadership development, mutual aid and the development of new or existing local supports and services and work with DHHS and Network NH to develop a statewide replication plan.
    Amount Awarded: $18,250
  • Awarded September 24, 2002

    Empowering Communities Through Access to Information and Training

    University of New Hampshire

    To develop, implement and evaluate 1) a web-based health data query system for NH and 2) training and educational materials that promote and support the community health improvement process in NH reflecting community input from the work of the Empowering Communities with Data project to date.
    Amount Awarded: $266,479
  • Awarded September 24, 2002

    TAP Multi-Community Gender Study

    University of New Hampshire

    To examine multi-community data for select protective and risk factors within the various levels of the ecological model of NH youth (i.e., youth,family,school and community) looking at data separately for males and females.
    Amount Awarded: $13,683
  • Awarded September 24, 2002

    Area Health and Safety Council Public Health Initiative

    Greater Derry Community Health Services, Inc.

    To forge strategic alliances, plan & complete a community health assessment, & initiate discussion with key stakeholders around solutions to the problem of an absent public health infrastructure & to develop the methodology to allow it to make a long-term commitment to partner communities in the Gr. Derry area to create a professionally staffed, organizational entity whose responsibility is to fulfill the obligations of a local public health department in the form of a regional cooperative health district
    Amount Awarded: $29,608
  • Awarded September 24, 2002

    Greater Derry/Greater Salem Regional Transportation Council

    Greater Derry/Gr. Salem Regional Transportation Council

    Created to work on developing a plan to meet the transportation needs of this region, RTC evolved into a provider of demand/response transport services to the isolated, frail and elderly. In the 2001/2002 project year, RTC became involved through a DOT grant, in a planning activity to assess need and develop a broad solution for transit services in this region in cooperation with the Regional Planning Commission of Southern NH, Rockingham County and Nashua. As the study process unfolds, with the first report expected in October, diminishing resources for operating expenses have forced the Council to eliminate the single paid position and dedicate all resources to service delivery and implementing study recommendations when available. At a critical point in furthering the efforts to design a creative system of transportation for local communities, the Regional Transportation Council is seeking immediate emergency assistance for the Endowment for Health leveraged with committed resources from the Alexander Eastman Foundation and the Community Transit Association of American to sustain the organization as the solution develops and support that activity.

    At the end of September will receive the recommendations of the Regional Planning Commission study of transportation needs in this region. It is expected that recommendations will include creation of a simplified call center for coordination of paratransit vehicles across 11 communities, as well as the first steps towards creating a regional transit authority through NHDOT. CTAA, RTC will work to implement the recommendations of the Regional Planning Commission study as agreed to by stakeholder participants through year-end. such activities will include stakeholder buy-in, model planning and fund development. through-out the period, the Council will continue to provide demand/response transport services to the frail and elderly of the area as solution development unfolds.

    Amount Awarded: $10,000