June 28, 2021
National Alliance on Mental Illness-New Hampshire
To continue cultivating and developing robust and resilient family and youth leaders, who are full partners in transforming and strengthening the infrastructure of NH’s children’s behavioral health system, by providing opportunities for leadership development, community engagement, education, training, and advocacy.
Amount Awarded:
June 28, 2021
New Hampshire Food Bank
To improve health outcomes for an at risk population by providing medically tailored meals and access to healthy eating programs.
Amount Awarded:
June 8, 2021
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To strengthen the capacity of funders in NH to strategically coordinate and co-fund grantmaking by completing a baseline report that maps the state’s philanthropic landscape.
Amount Awarded:
April 14, 2021
Community Health Institute/JSI Research & Training
To improve access to and quality of healthcare in New Hampshire by collaboratively developing a state healthcare workforce development plan
Amount Awarded:
April 12, 2021
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To address disparities associated with COVID-19 by leveraging federal funds
Amount Awarded:
April 12, 2021
New Hampshire Public Health Association
To strengthen State and local capacity to deliver high-quality oral health services by providing access to expert speakers on important oral health issues.
Amount Awarded:
March 22, 2021
Safari Youth Club
To deepen and expand the array of programming the Safari Youth Club provides through organizational capacity-building
Amount Awarded:
March 22, 2021
Solutions Journalism Network, Inc.
To improve journalism skills related to reporting on individuals and communities of color by providing solutions-based training on responsible reporting techniques on issues of race with the expertise of other journalists already reporting on this topic.
Amount Awarded:
March 22, 2021
Victory Women of Vision
To build capacity of the organization for the future by developing a strategic plan.
Amount Awarded:
March 22, 2021
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To improve the supply of health care workers in New Hampshire by better aligning health care workforce initiatives, addressing gaps and minimizing redundancies through a comprehensive plan for the state.
Amount Awarded:
March 22, 2021
Maine Council on Aging
To advance a regional approach to address the challenges and opportunities presented by an aging Northern New England by providing learning opportunities, facilitating opportunities for networking and encouraging cross-sector collaboration among municipal, policy, advocacy and business leaders working across Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont.
Amount Awarded:
January 25, 2021
University of New Hampshire
NH Listens will strengthen the field of people in NH giving sustained attention and taking action to address race, equity and justice issues in the state by supporting and cultivating relationships and infrastructure among field actors, in addition to providing programmatic design, facilitation, affinity and multiracial group support to address this work.
Amount Awarded: