January 25, 2021
Trustees of Dartmouth College
To improve health equity by expanding the Health Careers Institute at Dartmouth program for high school students to a virtual format while collaborating with NH AHEC partners in rural and urban underserved areas of NH, both expanding the pool of potential workers and promoting workforce diversity to address healthcare disparities.
Amount Awarded:
January 25, 2021
Fannie E. Rippel Foundation
Provide support to the Rippel Foundation to provide leadership and oversight of the FORESIGHT Initiative.
Amount Awarded:
January 25, 2021
Granite State Independent Living
To provide more volume and awareness of the availability of gently used durable medical equipment for individuals with disabilities by rebuilding a comprehensive website for Refurbished Equipment Marketplace (REM).
Amount Awarded:
January 25, 2021
Corporation for Supportive Housing
To improve access to affordable housing options for New Hampshire's low income residents and to reduce homelessness by developing a state-level plan, a data dashboard, and recommendations for coordinated governance and financing strategies.
Amount Awarded:
January 25, 2021
Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition
To promote healthy New Hampshire communities which welcome immigrants and refugees by facilitating inclusive community collaboration, through a learning collaborative of integration practitioners and community leaders who share best practices and collectively address ongoing challenges experienced by immigrants and refugees in NH.
Amount Awarded:
January 25, 2021
University of New Hampshire
Advance a shared vision for age friendly communities in NH through a collective impact approach by providing backbone support to the NH Alliance of Healthy Aging.
Amount Awarded:
January 25, 2021
University of New Hampshire
NH Listens will strengthen the field of people in NH giving sustained attention and taking action to address race, equity and justice issues in the state by supporting and cultivating relationships and infrastructure among field actors, in addition to providing programmatic design, facilitation, affinity and multiracial group support to address this work.
Amount Awarded:
January 7, 2021
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To strengthen the field of early childhood by strategically supporting technical assistance to leverage funding from federal and/or national foundation sources.
Amount Awarded:
December 8, 2020
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To provide technical assistance to Nh Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health in Framing the Social Determinants of Health in public communications.
Amount Awarded:
December 8, 2020
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To improve the supply of health care workers in New Hampshire by better aligning health care workforce initiatives, addressing gaps and minimizing redundancies through a comprehensive plan for the state.
Amount Awarded:
December 8, 2020
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To provide technical assistance to NH Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health in Framing the Social Determinants of Health in public communications.
Amount Awarded:
November 24, 2020
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To improve access to affordable housing options for New Hampshire's low income residents and to reduce homelessness by developing an interim state-level plan
Amount Awarded: