Awarded Grants

Grant Filter

  • Awarded March 23, 2020

    Promoting Equity for New Hampshire’s Youngest Children

    Health Strategies of New Hampshire

    To quantify early childhood racial inequities and recommend policy solutions that would promote fair and just opportunities for all New Hampshire young children by conducting a study
    Amount Awarded: $80,000
  • Awarded March 23, 2020

    Health Licensure Review Project

    Foundation for Healthy Communities

    The Licensure Review Project will conduct a review of licensure regulations for a broad array of health care providers and provide recommendations on opportunities to remove barriers, increase efficiencies, and support workforce development for the health care workers.
    Amount Awarded: $12,500
  • Awarded March 23, 2020

    Clinical Placements Project

    Trustees of Dartmouth College

    The Clinical Placements Project will conduct an environmental scan of the community placement process that supports health care clinical training experiences in New Hampshire.
    Amount Awarded: $75,000
  • Awarded March 23, 2020

    WHIM at Home

    Sunset Hill Educational Institute

    To provide individuals living with disability in New Hampshire access to health and wellness activities and education in a peer-driven social environment by digitally connecting them to a virtual exercise and learning hub at the Sunset Hill Educational Institute (SHEI) facility where they can remote conference from their home with SHEI staff and other peers.
    Amount Awarded: $2,100
  • Awarded March 23, 2020

    COVID-19: Health Care Providers Stabilization Support Campaign

    New Futures

    To develop a public policy action plan which will provide coordinated communications, needs assessments, and a package of governmental policy actions, to assist in the immediate delivery of services and to help stabilize the financials of an already fragile health care delivery system.
    Amount Awarded: $25,000
  • Awarded March 23, 2020

    Emergency Operating Support for COVID - 19 Response

    Granite United Way

    To help the United Way provide resources to organizations and people impacted by COVID-19.
    Amount Awarded: $50,000
  • Awarded March 23, 2020

    Emergency Operating Support for COVID - 19 Response

    United Way of the Greater Seacoast

    To help the United Way provide resources to NH organizations and people impacted by COVID-19.
    Amount Awarded: $50,000
  • Awarded March 23, 2020

    Emergency Operating Support for COVID - 19 Response

    Monadnock United Way

    To help the United Way provide resources to organizations and people impacted by COVID-19.
    Amount Awarded: $50,000
  • Awarded March 23, 2020

    Emergency Operating Support for COVID - 19 Response

    United Way of Greater Nashua, Inc.

    To help the United Way provide resources to organizations and people impacted by COVID-19.
    Amount Awarded: $50,000
  • Awarded March 13, 2020

    Building Advocacy Capacity for the Future of the New Hampshire Public Health Association

    New Hampshire Public Health Association

    To build and focus advocacy capacity for the future through the consultation with b-fresh consulting.
    Amount Awarded: $6,730
  • Awarded February 26, 2020

    Annual Diversity Conference

    The Diversity Workforce Coalition

    To deliver a highly engaging, experiential and provocative keynote address regarding equity, diversity and inclusion.
    Amount Awarded: $5,000
  • Awarded January 27, 2020

    FORESIGHT: Designing a Future for Health

    Fannie E. Rippel Foundation

    Provide operating support to the Rippel Foundation to provide leadership and oversight of the FORESIGHT Initiative.
    Amount Awarded: $25,000