January 27, 2020
Fannie E. Rippel Foundation
Provide operating support to the Rippel Foundation to provide leadership and oversight of the FORESIGHT Initiative.
Amount Awarded:
January 27, 2020
Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition
To promote healthy New Hampshire communities which welcome immigrants and refugees by facilitating inclusive community collaboration, assisting a learning collaborative of integration practitioners and community leaders to share best practices and collectively address ongoing challenges experienced by immigrants and refugees in NH.
Amount Awarded:
January 27, 2020
University of New Hampshire
To create more equitable and inclusive leadership practices in NH organizations and communities through an intensive series of facilitated dialogues focused on systemic and structural racism, implicit bias, and privilege associated with social identities.
Amount Awarded:
January 27, 2020
Organization for Refugee & Immigrant Success (ORIS)
To determine the feasibility of a Manchester Farm to School project that makes locally grown and produced food products available on Manchester School District lunch menus and incorporates experiential nutrition education activities in school curricula by creating an Action Plan to use as the blueprint for the project.
Amount Awarded:
January 27, 2020
University of New Hampshire
Advance a shared vision for age friendly communities in NH through a collective impact approach by providing backbone support to the NH Alliance of Healthy Aging.
Amount Awarded:
November 25, 2019
New Futures
To create an advocacy structure that will serve as the foundation for achieving critical, multi-issue policy goals and provide training and mentoring to the field, thereby enhancing strategic leadership and advocacy capacity in critical organizations.
Amount Awarded:
November 25, 2019
New Futures
To develop, support and implement state-level policy changes to transform NH
Amount Awarded:
November 25, 2019
New Hampshire Legal Assistance
To build advocacy capacity to advance the priorities and strategies of the New Hampshire Alliance for Healthy Aging and its partners.
Amount Awarded:
November 25, 2019
Granite State Children's Alliance
To establish a trauma-informed, evidence based clinical program to support children and their families who are accessing services on-site at the Greater Lakes Child Advocacy Centers and to replicate this model statewide.
Amount Awarded:
November 25, 2019
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To enhance the capacity of NH
Amount Awarded:
November 25, 2019
Granite United Way
To develop a new 5-year strategic plan with the Manchester School District by meaningfully engaging a broader group of people from diverse racial, ethnic, linguistic, socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds
Amount Awarded:
November 25, 2019
Lamprey Health Care
To draw on the expertise of NH
Amount Awarded: