Awarded Grants
Grant Filter
March 18, 2019
Intentional Early Learning & Family Engagement
Park Street Foundation
To increase the capacity of New Hampshire Librarians to plan and conduct intentional and outcome-based library programs by providing training that provides best practice learning in libraries and an outcome-based story time or library program.Amount Awarded: $15,000 -
January 28, 2019
Regional Health Officer Technical Assistance
Lakes Region Partnership for Public Health, Inc.
To create social and physical environments that promote good health for all who live, work and play in the Winnipesaukee Public Health Region by conducting an analysis to determine the feasibility of creating a Regional Health Officer position.Amount Awarded: $12,000 -
January 28, 2019
Backbone Support to the NH Alliance for Healthy Aging
University of New Hampshire
Advance a shared vision for age friendly communities in NH through a collective impact approach by providing backbone support to the NH Alliance of Healthy Aging.Amount Awarded: $180,000 -
January 28, 2019
Immigrant Integration Community of Practice
Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition
To serve as a learning collaborative and safe space where practitioners working on Immigrant Integration, in particular representatives from the formerly four funded regions of the Immigrant Integration Initiative, can learn together how to implement and sustain robust and successful immigrant integration efforts AND maintain a learning community to share knowledge and address ongoing challenges that arise.Amount Awarded: $30,000 -
January 28, 2019
Welcoming New Hampshire
Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition
To create welcoming communities in NH into which immigrants are more likely to integrate by facilitating community collaboration, promoting a welcoming community climate and advocating for institutional change that promotes mutual respect and cooperation between foreign-born and U.S.-born Americans.Amount Awarded: $30,000 -
January 28, 2019
Leadership Equity Series
University of New Hampshire
To create more equitable and inclusive leadership practices in NH organizations and communities through an intensive series of facilitated dialogues focused on systemic and structural racism, implicit bias, and privilege associated with social identities.Amount Awarded: $40,000 -
January 28, 2019
A Community of Action for Lead Safety – Building, Mobilizing, and Supporting Municipal Action to Prevent Childhood Lead Poisoning
Conservation Law Foundation
To equip and mobilize six municipalities to take local actions that will protect children from the avoidable, lifelong impacts of childhood lead poisoning through civic engagementAmount Awarded: $20,000 -
January 28, 2019
Implementing Reframing Aging Technical Assistance
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To increase the capacity of the Healthy Aging field to implement Reframing Aging tools and recommendations in NH.Amount Awarded: $30,000 -
January 7, 2019
Mayor's Opioid Task Force Legislative Breakfast
City of Nashua
To increase awareness of substance use prevention by hosting a Legislative Breakfast to get the conversation started.
Amount Awarded: $2,500 -
November 19, 2018
Housing for Families
New Hampshire Community Loan Fund
To sustain general operations and ensure nonprofit capacity building focused on improving the health of vulnerable residents of NH by addressing housing needs as a critical determinate of health.Amount Awarded: $50,000 -
November 19, 2018
Healthy Aging Advocacy Initiative
New Hampshire Legal Assistance
To build advocacy capacity to advance the priorities and strategies of the New Hampshire Alliance for Healthy Aging and its partners.Amount Awarded: $90,000 -
November 19, 2018
NH Business Acumen Project
University of New Hampshire
The NH Business Acumen Project will advance the readiness of NH Community Based Organizations (CBOs) to partner with integrated healthcare entities by monitoring the current public funding environment, assessing current CBO status and needs, and addressing such needs through technical assistance and training through experts and training materials.Amount Awarded: $20,000