Awarded Grants

Grant Filter

  • Awarded September 17, 2018

    New Hampshire Early Childhood Education Workforce Study

    Health Strategies of New Hampshire

    To conduct a comprehensive, statewide study of the early childhood education (ECE) workforce in New Hampshire.
    Amount Awarded: $20,000
  • Awarded March 26, 2018

    Spark NH Public Awareness Project

    Early Learning New Hampshire

    To actively engage a diverse base of stakeholders in promoting the importance of investing in early childhood by enhancing Spark NH's public awareness capacity.
    Amount Awarded: $115,000
  • Awarded January 29, 2018

    Technical Assistance to Choose a State-Level Early Childhood Governance System

    Early Learning New Hampshire

    To reduce fragmentation, uneven quality and inequity in early childhood programs and services by developing recommendations for a state-level early childhood governance system
    Amount Awarded: $10,000
  • Awarded January 29, 2018

    Family and Medical Leave Insurance Economic Analysis & Modeling

    New Hampshire Women's Foundation

    To create a sustainable family medical leave insurance program by providing additional data and analysis on the economic modeling to ensure a successful program design
    Amount Awarded: $30,000
  • Awarded November 20, 2017

    Supporting Pediatric Clinical Care in Addressing ACEs

    University of New Hampshire

    To engage NH pediatric and family care practices to identify and respond to adverse childhood experiences/social determinants of health among families with young children by developing a set of recommendations to shape a quality improvement project.
    Amount Awarded: $25,000
  • Awarded September 18, 2017

    Framework for Action Conference

    Early Learning New Hampshire

    To increase stakeholder knowledge about and alignment with the Spark NH Framework for Action at the state, regional and local levels by hosting a conference.
    Amount Awarded: $10,000
  • Awarded September 18, 2017

    Core Support to Spark NH

    Early Learning New Hampshire

    To strengthen the early childhood field's shared identity by providing core operating support to Spark NH, the early childhood advisory council
    Amount Awarded: $50,000
  • Awarded September 18, 2017

    Leveraging Resources for the Early Childhood Field

    Health Strategies of New Hampshire

    To strengthen the field of early childhood by strategically supporting technical assistance to leverage funding from federal sources and national or regional funders.
    Amount Awarded: $7,500
  • Awarded June 19, 2017

    Supporting Standards of Quality for Family Support and Strengthening Certification and Recertification

    Easter Seals New Hampshire, Inc.

    To build the capacity of NH Family Resource Centers to adopt national standards of practice by supporting certification and recertification training, adding a train-the-trainer, and professional development associated with the National Trainer Summit
    Amount Awarded: $14,200
  • Awarded June 19, 2017

    Understanding the impact of adverse childhood experiences across a lifetime


    To raise awareness about the impact of adverse childhood experiences with a focus on primary care providers by supporting a keynote speaker.
    Amount Awarded: $10,000
  • Awarded June 19, 2017

    Early Childhood Cost-Benefit Study

    Health Strategies of New Hampshire

    To strengthen the early childhood field by supporting research needed to inform policy decisions.
    Amount Awarded: $125,000
  • Awarded June 19, 2017

    Community of Practice for Early Childhood Regional Initiatives

    Early Learning New Hampshire

    To encourage alignment, coordination and promotion of best practices across all early childhood initiatives in the state by facilitating a community of practice.
    Amount Awarded: $52,790