Awarded Grants

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  • Awarded September 19, 2016

    New Hampshire Legal Assistance Youth Law Project

    New Hampshire Legal Assistance

    To provide civil legal services and engage in systemic advocacy for low-income delinquent and Child in Need of Services (CHINS) youth to ensure that they receive mental health, educational, and other services they need to prevent delinquent behavior and involvement with the juvenile system.
    Amount Awarded: $50,000
  • Awarded September 19, 2016

    Children's Behavioral Health Field Assessment

    Antioch University New England

    To assess the state of the Children?s Behavioral Health field in New Hampshire, using the FASST Tool 3.0 and Documentation Review.
    Amount Awarded: $29,488
  • Awarded June 20, 2016

    Sustaining Leadership NH

    Leadership New Hampshire

    Build a community of informed leaders in NH to increase civic engagement and strengthen communities through connecting and educating a diverse pool of engaged, or emerging, leaders about the State of New Hampshire.
    Amount Awarded: $10,000
  • Awarded June 20, 2016

    Sustaining the National Alliance on Mental Illness

    National Alliance on Mental Illness-New Hampshire

    To ensure quality advocacy, knowledge development and nonprofit capacity building leadership for the mental health system which supports NH's children and their families by providing operating support.
    Amount Awarded: $25,000
  • Awarded June 20, 2016

    Community of Practice for Early Childhood Regional Initiatives

    Early Learning New Hampshire

    To encourage alignment, coordination and promotion of best practices across all early childhood initiatives in the state by facilitating a community of practice.
    Amount Awarded: $37,368
  • Awarded June 20, 2016

    One Greater Nashua - Immigrant Integration Initiative

    United Way of Greater Nashua, Inc.

    To increase integration and social inclusion of immigrants and refugees in Greater Nashua by implementing a multi-sector plan to promote economic, educational, social, and cultural integration of newcomers.
    Amount Awarded: $22,000
  • Awarded June 20, 2016

    Document Project Inclusion New Hampshire

    Campus Compact for New Hampshire

    To increase the knowledge and understanding of diversity, inclusion and equity among college and university leaders by documenting and disseminating the results from the June 2016 Project Inclusion NH Symposium: Assessing and Enacting a Commitment to Diversity, Inclusion and Equity on Campus.
    Amount Awarded: $3,500
  • Awarded June 20, 2016

    2016 NH Department of Education Educators? Summit Keynote Becoming Brilliant?

    Early Learning New Hampshire

    To increase awareness about the achievement gap between children in families with low- and middle-incomes and proven strategies for languagizing early childhood environments and encouraging parent/child conversations for at least 75 early childhood and public school professionals and 50 parents by offering a) a keynote address and b) a special session for parents
    Amount Awarded: $5,000
  • Awarded June 20, 2016

    Strategic Planning Grant

    Early Learning New Hampshire

    To align cross-sector stakeholders on a common set of goals for NH's young children by updating the Spark NH strategic plan for the next 5 years and by ensuring committees are multi-disciplinary, diverse, intentional, and energized.
    Amount Awarded: $16,348
  • Awarded June 20, 2016

    Early Childhood Gubernatorial Summit

    Early Learning New Hampshire

    To promote early childhood policy consistent with the Framework for Action by hosting a gubernatorial forum and by increasing the visibility of the issue for candidates.
    Amount Awarded: $6,775
  • Awarded June 20, 2016

    Transport NH

    Granite State Independent Living

    To support age-friendly communities through an expanded transportation dialogue, a stronger transportation advocacy network and a policy change agenda for increased and diversified transportation options for community members, particularly older adults.
    Amount Awarded: $20,000
  • Awarded June 20, 2016

    What Kind of State Do We Want?

    Leadership New Hampshire

    To advance a new Leadership NH curriculum that will 1) empower NH's leaders with knowledge and understanding of systemic discrimination and privilege that creates racial inequity in our state and 2) support them to develop skills to use their spheres of influence to create a more equitable NH.
    Amount Awarded: $38,969