June 20, 2016
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To foster greater integration and social inclusion for new Americans in New Hampshire by creating communications tools and training that navigate the current public discourse on the issues of immigration and evoke new and positive thinking about our state?s increasing diversity.
Amount Awarded:
June 20, 2016
Manchester Community Health Center
To continue implementation of a federally funded initiative, Project Launch, by providing up to two months of project support until such time as state contracts are successfully approved by the Governor and Executive Council.
Amount Awarded:
June 20, 2016
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To strengthen the early childhood field by supporting research needed to inform policy decisions.
Amount Awarded:
June 20, 2016
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To strengthen and increase NH's leadership capacity to advance health equity.
Amount Awarded:
March 21, 2016
Organization for Refugee & Immigrant Success (ORIS)
To create an effective Board of Directors by undertaking a board development project with a strategic consultant.
Amount Awarded:
March 21, 2016
Solutions Journalism Network, Inc.
To create a thought provoking newspaper/web series on aging that engages the audience in learning about possible approaches and solutions to create age-friendly communities in New Hampshire by providing technical assistance on the practice of solutions journalism.
Amount Awarded:
March 21, 2016
Early Learning New Hampshire
To actively engage a diverse base of stakeholders in promoting the importance of investing in early childhood by enhancing Spark NH's public awareness capacity.
Amount Awarded:
March 21, 2016
Rivier College
To help Rivier Success and Visionary Project (RSVP) students develop knowledge of varying cultures; to increase outreach to the greater Nashua community; to encourage team building, goal setting, problem solving and trust building; and to encourage students to consider diverse possibilities in the greater Nashua area for their future professional work by providing appropriate co-curricular activities that will serve to enhance their academic curriculum.
Amount Awarded:
March 21, 2016
Foundation for Healthy Communities
To focus the mutually reinforcing activities of the NH H&EP and address the root causes of health inequities through the development and implementation of a common agenda and shared measures.
Amount Awarded:
March 21, 2016
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To advance positive messaging and community dialogue about immigrant integration by sharing real and systemic stories of contribution and integration through film and other media.
Amount Awarded:
March 21, 2016
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To continue to develop shared identity among stakeholders and strengthen knowledge within the field of elders by convening stakeholders for planning, training and consensus building.
Amount Awarded:
March 21, 2016
University of New Hampshire
To research health care delivery payment reform regulatory challenges and opportunities and make recommendations to support health care delivery system innovation in NH.
Amount Awarded: