Awarded Grants

Grant Filter

  • Awarded November 16, 2015

    Building a Health Advocacy Model in New Hampshire

    Health Strategies of New Hampshire

    To begin building a health and healthcare advocacy model in New Hampshire by conducting an assessment to determine current assets, current gaps and resource needs to begin building and sustaining an advocacy model.
    Amount Awarded: $5,000
  • Awarded November 16, 2015

    Equity Leadership Fellowship

    Lamprey Health Care

    To implement the Equity Leaders Fellowship program for cohort number 2, by utilizing the expertise of NH leaders of color to train rising minority community leaders with an equity frame knowledge base, concrete skills for participating in leadership roles, and the ability to create change through collective impact.
    Amount Awarded: $35,000
  • Awarded November 16, 2015

    The Health Coverage Fellowship

    Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation

    To help newspaper, radio, television and online reporters and editors do a better job covering critical health care issues by participating in a comprehensive curriculum designed to enhance their knowledge of complex health policy issues.
    Amount Awarded: $18,500
  • Awarded November 16, 2015

    Grantmakers in Aging Membership

    Grantmakers in Aging

    To expand the Endowment for Health
    Amount Awarded: $700
  • Awarded November 16, 2015

    Medicaid Institute

    Families in Transition

    To plan, develop, and launch a Medicaid Institute that will engage NH's lead supportive housing agencies in a program to educate them about the state Medicaid plan and to develop custom business plans around reimbursable expenses.
    Amount Awarded: $55,000
  • Awarded September 21, 2015

    CEO Search

    New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits

    To identify a dynamic leader to serve as the Center
    Amount Awarded: $12,500
  • Awarded September 21, 2015

    Implementing the Culturally Effective Organization Framework at MCHC

    Brandeis University

    To enhance the capacity of Manchester Community Health Center to advance a Center of Excellence in Culturally Effective Care through technical assistance and support to document data and best practices to advance health equity, and to develop a plan and tools for dissemination of the model to internal and external audiences.
    Amount Awarded: $39,613
  • Awarded September 21, 2015

    Bhutanese Women's Leadership Project

    Bhutanese Community of New Hampshire (BCNH)

    To increase representation of Bhutanese women in leadership positions in the community.
    Amount Awarded: $34,160
  • Awarded September 21, 2015

    Be Someone

    Partnership for a Drug-Free NH

    To promote recovery from addiction through a statewide campaign to address drug and alcohol addiction issues in NH.
    Amount Awarded: $20,000
  • Awarded September 21, 2015

    English Enrichment & Citizenship Preparation Project

    Bhutanese Community of New Hampshire (BCNH)

    To promote greater integration and self-sufficiency of immigrant and refugee persons by increasing language skills, providing culturally and linguistically appropriate American history and civics classes, and assisting newcomers as they prepare to obtain citizenship.
    Amount Awarded: $20,000
  • Awarded September 21, 2015

    Emerging Leaders in Communities of Color Leadership Program

    Emerging Leaders in Communities of Color

    The Emerging Leaders in Communities of Color Leadership Program will strengthen NH's diverse communities by developing individuals of color with the necessary skills to effectively participate in community leadership roles and promote collective impact within communities of color.
    Amount Awarded: $22,500
  • Awarded September 21, 2015

    Acculturation, Resilience, Cohesion and Healing: Schools and Communities Supporting Refugee Children

    Concord School District

    To engage and train school district teachers, staff and key community partners in the Community Peer Support Model, an intensive, culturally responsive practice, in order to build and strengthen the community where Concord's most vulnerable population of refugee children live, learn and play.
    Amount Awarded: $20,000