September 8, 2014
New Hampshire Children's Trust, Inc.
NH programs will become certified in the National Standards of Quality for Family Strengthening and Support leading to a shared identity and strong field.
Amount Awarded:
September 8, 2014
New Hampshire Center for Public Policy Studies
To ensure quality advocacy, nonprofit capacity building and knowledge development for the health system in NH in order to improve the health of NH residents by sustaining the general operations of key NH nonprofits.
Amount Awarded:
September 8, 2014
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To strengthen the early childhood field by supporting research needed to inform policy decisions and by funding technical assistance to leverage funding.
Amount Awarded:
September 8, 2014
New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association
To improve healthy lifestyle choices related to sleep, nutrition, and substance abuse by promoting the Life of an Athlete prevention program.
Amount Awarded:
September 8, 2014
New Hampshire Legal Assistance
To ensure quality advocacy, nonprofit capacity building and knowledge development for the health system in NH in order to improve the health of NH residents by sustaining the general operations of key NH nonprofits.
Amount Awarded:
September 8, 2014
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To further integration for immigrants in NH by improving the knowledge base regarding the economic impact of immigrants which can be used to better inform a narrative and engage business and other economic leaders in the state.
Amount Awarded:
September 8, 2014
New Hampshire Legal Assistance
To ensure that residents of assisted living facilities are afforded all of the legal protections to which they are entitled and receive the care and services they need to maximize their health, safety and independence.
Amount Awarded:
September 8, 2014
New Hampshire Public Health Association
To ensure quality advocacy, nonprofit capacity building and knowledge development for the health system in NH in order to improve the health of NH residents by sustaining the general operations of key NH nonprofits.
Amount Awarded:
June 9, 2014
Northern Human Services
To identify a coordinated, cost effective and manageable data collection and analysis platform that will allow members of the Coos Coalition for Young Children and Families to track and measure progress on identified indicators.
Amount Awarded:
June 9, 2014
Sexual Assault Support Services
To more effectively assist those impacted by domestic and sexual violence in Strafford and Rockingham Counties by increasing organizational capacity and efficiency of A Safe Place and Sexual Assault Support Services through a merger.
Amount Awarded:
June 9, 2014
National Alliance on Mental Illness-New Hampshire
To ensure quality advocacy, knowledge development and nonprofit capacity building leadership for the mental health system which supports NH's children and their families by providing operating support.
Amount Awarded:
June 9, 2014
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To strengthen the field and increase NH’s leadership capacity to advance health equity by funding Collective Impact 101 training for approximately 50 grassroots leaders from NH’s communities of color; funding training and facilitated dialogue regarding equity and communities of color for 30-35 state and local policy makers/leaders to advance health equity; providing training and technical assistance to grantees of the EH’s Immigrant Integration Initiative; and supporting public relations activity to advance Immigrant Integration in NH.
Amount Awarded: