March 21, 2016
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To strengthen the field of early childhood by strategically supporting technical assistance to leverage funding from federal sources and national or regional funders.
Amount Awarded:
January 25, 2016
Early Learning New Hampshire
To provide parents and caregivers tools to boost early learning by developing a plan to launch Vroom statewide.
Amount Awarded:
January 25, 2016
New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute
To advance public policies that make it easier for young children to thrive by conducting a policy analysis on several priorities identified in Spark NH's Framework for Action
Amount Awarded:
November 16, 2015
University of New Hampshire
To promote the adoption of shared goals and activities at the local, regional and state levels; and to raise awareness about the importance of early childhood by supporting five communities to develop concrete action plans for enhancing the development of all NH young children and their families
Amount Awarded:
November 16, 2015
New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute
To strengthen the capacity of the early childhood advocacy infrastructure by monitoring legislation during the 2016 session and sharing information among policy advocates and stakeholders
Amount Awarded:
September 21, 2015
Early Learning New Hampshire
To strengthen the early childhood field
Amount Awarded:
September 21, 2015
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To raise awareness about the importance of investing in early childhood by promoting and disseminating the NH Public Television program Raising New Hampshire.
Amount Awarded:
September 21, 2015
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To enhance capacity of the field to analyze and use cross-sector data to improve the early childhood system and advance policy.
Amount Awarded:
September 21, 2015
University of New Hampshire
To support the development of a comprehensive plan for the health and well-being of NH children and families by facilitating a working group to create goals and strategies, and providing the working group with research on current NH programs and services for children and families, as well as research on similar planning efforts used by other entities.
Amount Awarded:
June 15, 2015
Early Learning New Hampshire
To spur influential Granite State leaders to take action to support sufficient investment in early childhood by holding a New Hampshire Leaders' Summit on Early Childhood in 2015.
Amount Awarded:
June 15, 2015
Early Learning New Hampshire
To create better collaboration between New Hampshire's regional early childhood initiatives and Spark NH, the state’s early childhood advisory council, by creating a community of practice.
Amount Awarded:
June 15, 2015
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To increase educators’ knowledge and awareness of poverty barriers and proven strategies for addressing them by funding a keynote speaker for the 2015 NH Educators Summer Summit Early Childhood Strand.
Amount Awarded: