Awarded Grants

Grant Filter

  • Awarded September 12, 2011

    New Hampshire Oral Health Coalition

    New Hampshire Public Health Association

    To improve the oral health of the people of New Hampshire through effective oral health advocacy and public policy in New Hampshire.
    Amount Awarded: $25,000
  • Awarded September 12, 2011

    Sustaining the Children's Alliance of NH

    Children's Alliance of New Hampshire

    To ensure quality advocacy, nonprofit capacity building and knowledge development for the health system in NH in order to improve the health of NH residents by sustaining the general operations of key NH nonprofits.
    Amount Awarded: $25,000
  • Awarded August 31, 2011

    Homelessness Policy Expansion

    Families in Transition

    To effectively and efficiently inform the development of state and federal policies that will facilitate providing services to NH's homeless population and eventually end homelessness in NH.
    Amount Awarded: $16,000
  • Awarded August 9, 2011

    Sullivan County Oral Health Collaborative

    Sullivan County Oral Health Collaborative, Inc.

    To assure successful management and operations of the dental clinic by seeking outside consultation to provide an assessment of the current status and assisting with a plan for sustainability.
    Amount Awarded: $12,990
  • Awarded August 1, 2011

    NH Citizen's Health Initiative

    University of New Hampshire

    To ensure quality advocacy, nonprofit capacity building and knowledge development for the health system in NH in order to improve the health of NH residents by sustaining the operations of key NH nonprofits.
    Amount Awarded: $150,000
  • Awarded August 1, 2011

    Lakes Region Refugee Advocacy Initiative

    Lakes Region Partnership for Public Health, Inc.

    To improve health outcomes and access to health care and social services for recent immigrants/refugees with limited English proficiency (LEP) in Laconia by creating sustainable systems to 1) coordinate community resources 2) further integration of refugees within the greater community, 3) recruit and train volunteer advocates to assist with refugee community needs (transportation, medical, and social liaisons) and 4) develop greater cultural competency among volunteers, medical providers and others.
    Amount Awarded: $52,168
  • Awarded August 1, 2011

    Healthy Families - Healthy Communities

    Somali Development Center

    To address barriers to health and health care for the African and Bhutanese communities of Concord by training ethnic Community Health Workers who will 1) create and lead community health education sessions, 2) provide in-home health and hygiene education, and 3) provide feedback to the Concord Hospital Family Health Center.
    Amount Awarded: $56,000
  • Awarded August 1, 2011

    NH Medical Home Pilot Project Evaluation

    University of New Hampshire

    To conduct a mixed methods evaluation of the impact of the New Hampshire Primary Care Medical Home (PCMH) pilot on health care utilization, costs, and quality by utilizing case studies at the nine sites and analyzing the impact of the PCMH on utilization and using the New Hampshire Comprehensive Health Care Information System (NH CHIS).
    Amount Awarded: $55,867
  • Awarded July 11, 2011

    Watch Me Grow

    Easter Seals New Hampshire, Inc.

    To identify early childhood developmental concerns and to increase access to coordinated supports and services for NH's young children and their families by expanding developmental screening, referral, and parent/caregiver education through the Watch Me Grow (WMG) system.
    Amount Awarded: $95,950
  • Awarded July 11, 2011

    Electronic Medical Record Implementation Project

    Seacoast Mental Health Center

    To improve the clinical and administrative capacity of five community mental health centers by implementing a shared Electronic Medical Record system and conducting a systematic analysis of all current workflow processes and sharing best practices.
    Amount Awarded: $125,000
  • Awarded July 11, 2011

    NH State Suicide Prevention Conference

    National Alliance on Mental Illness-New Hampshire

    To reduce the impact of suicide in NH by presenting a Suicide Prevention Conference, a forum to promote best practices in suicide prevention and to network.
    Amount Awarded: $5,000
  • Awarded July 11, 2011

    The Capital Region Pediatric Psychiatry Project: Improving Children's Mental Health Care in the Greater Concord Area

    Riverbend Community Mental Health

    To increase the psychopharmacological management capacity of Primary Care and Family Physicians to treat children and adolescents in the Concord area by implementing the REACH Institute's mini-fellowship program in child psychiatry and providing consultation for 18-months.
    Amount Awarded: $138,837