July 11, 2011
Seacoast Mental Health Center
To improve the clinical and administrative capacity of five community mental health centers by implementing a shared Electronic Medical Record system and conducting a systematic analysis of all current workflow processes and sharing best practices.
Amount Awarded:
July 11, 2011
National Alliance on Mental Illness-New Hampshire
To reduce the impact of suicide in NH by presenting a Suicide Prevention Conference, a forum to promote best practices in suicide prevention and to network.
Amount Awarded:
July 11, 2011
Riverbend Community Mental Health
To increase the psychopharmacological management capacity of Primary Care and Family Physicians to treat children and adolescents in the Concord area by implementing the REACH Institute's mini-fellowship program in child psychiatry and providing consultation for 18-months.
Amount Awarded:
July 11, 2011
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation
To deepen national and regional New England media understanding of the intricate and dynamic world of medicine and health care, with an emphasis on the overall health system and special problems facing low-income and uninsured individuals and families.
Amount Awarded:
July 11, 2011
University of New Hampshire
To improve awareness of and response to the needs of NH children with emotional/behavioral challenges by disseminating a documentary film and educational materials on best practices, engaging stakeholders in dialogue, conducting public education through on-line and multi-media outreach, and educating policymakers and administrators to inform systems change.
Amount Awarded:
July 11, 2011
Endowment for Health
To expand diversity within the nursing workforce and nursing education faculty in NH by promoting awareness of the nursing profession among youth from diverse cultures and supporting underrepresented populations to earn a Masters degree in nursing and join the nursing faculty in NH.
Amount Awarded:
July 11, 2011
New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence
To enhance advocacy and supportive services for children exposed to violence in their homes by training advocates in local domestic violence service programs using a national trauma-informed curriculum.
Amount Awarded:
July 11, 2011
Community Bridges
To improve the availability of and access to high quality early childhood mental health supports and services for NH's young children (aged birth to six) and their families by creating and implementing a state early childhood mental health competency system for NH professionals serving this population and by collaborating with the NH Early Childhood Advisory Council on systems building.
Amount Awarded:
July 11, 2011
Community Health Institute/JSI Research & Training
To improve outcomes for children with mental health needs who are currently in or are at-risk for out-of-home placement by piloting a high fidelity wraparound approach in Belknap County and by creating a financing mechanism to braid funding across child serving systems.
Amount Awarded:
June 20, 2011
Families in Transition
To provide integrated, family-centered care designed specifically to serve children and families facing the unique challenges presented by homelessness and co-occurring mental illness/substance abuse disorders by reducing common barriers to care faced by vulnerable families.
Amount Awarded:
June 20, 2011
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To enhance the capacity of NH's leaders and organizations by providing resources to support national and statewide learning opportunities and funding for grant writers.
Amount Awarded:
June 20, 2011
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To promote the effective implementation of federal health reform in New Hampshire by providing support to key groups and stakeholders foster collaboration and information sharing and to develop needed knowledge and technical capacity.
Amount Awarded: