Awarded Grants

Grant Filter

  • Awarded March 15, 2010

    Facilitated Discussion on Administrative and Fiscal Collaboration

    New Hampshire Public Health Association

    To explore how the NH Public Health Association, the organizations for which it is acting as fiscal agent and potentially other health related advocacy organizations can most effectively collaborate for their mutual administrative and fiscal benefit.
    Amount Awarded: $4,950
  • Awarded March 15, 2010

    You Have the Power: Small Steps to Better Health Conference

    Lamprey Health Care

    To raise awareness and promote healthy behaviors related to the prevention and control of diabetes and cardiovascular disease among minority groups and by convening a statewide conference that will provide information, education, and training addressing these issues.
    Amount Awarded: $4,785
  • Awarded March 15, 2010

    Monadnock TMA Symposium

    Southwest Region Planning Commission

    To develop community participation and commitment to transportation coordination in the region buy supporting a symposium and planning session.
    Amount Awarded: $2,000
  • Awarded March 15, 2010

    Development of a Standard of Care for Perinatal Mood Disorders

    Elliot Hospital

    To identify and facilitate effective treatment of perinatal depression in patients who receive care from the Elliot Health System by developing a plan to implement a communal standard of care.
    Amount Awarded: $4,905
  • Awarded February 18, 2010

    Salem Dental School Program

    Greater Derry Oral Health Collaborative Corporation

    To identify and provide basic preventive dental services to Salem, NH elementary school age children who are not able to receive appropriate dental care, but providing screenings, fluoride treatments, sealants, oral hygiene education, and referral to a dental home.
    Amount Awarded: $5,000
  • Awarded February 17, 2010

    Strengthening Nonprofit Capacity

    New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits

    To improve the ability of nonprofit organizations by providing matching funding to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Strengthening Communities Fund to build nonprofit capacity.
    Amount Awarded: $6,000
  • Awarded February 16, 2010

    Operational Capacity Need

    New Hampshire Minority Health Coalition

    To strengthen organizational capacity and ensure security of current programs reliant on secure databases by supporting acquisition of essential small business network components.
    Amount Awarded: $10,000
  • Awarded February 15, 2010

    New Hampshire DSH Program Redesign

    Health Strategies of New Hampshire

    To assist policy makers in understanding alternative strategies to support uncompensated care costs by providing expert analysis and consultant.
    Amount Awarded: $10,000
  • Awarded December 23, 2009

    Bridge Grant During Difficult Economic Times

    Council on Fund Raising New Hampshire (CONFR)

    To stabilize the unexpected drop in member revenue to NH's critically important fundraising capacity building nonprofit by providing short term operating funds while a long term plan is implemented.
    Amount Awarded: $15,000
  • Awarded December 14, 2009

    Lead Poisoning Prevention Collaborative

    Health Strategies of New Hampshire

    To reduce childhood lead paint poisoning in New Hampshire through a coordinated approach to improving NH's lead poisoning prevention policies by continuing to convene and expand a strong coalition of diverse interests, advocating for primary prevention and other strategic policies, and advancing public and private investments in support of lead poisoning prevention.
    Amount Awarded: $17,541
  • Awarded December 14, 2009

    New Hampshire Voices for Health

    The Public Policy Institute

    To help improve access to quality, affordable health care by further developing this advocacy coalition on health care and coverage.
    Amount Awarded: $125,000
  • Awarded December 14, 2009

    Navigating Systemic Change:

    North American Family Institute, Inc

    To transform the role of residential service providers in serving high-risk children and families with mental health problems by researching best practices, participation in a strategic planning process and learning collaborative, and documentation of learning in a guidebook.
    Amount Awarded: $34,750