January 12, 2009
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To build capacity for project sustainability planning for health related nonprofits in NH by piloting the Finance Project sustainability model with a cohort of EH grantees including the training of a cohort of capacity building consultants to serve as coaches to the participating projects.
Amount Awarded:
December 31, 2008
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To reduce childhood lead paint poisoning in New Hampshire through a coordinated approach to improving NH's lead poisoning prevention policies by continuing to convene and expand a strong coalition of diverse interests, advocating for primary prevention and other strategic policies, and advancing public and private investments in support of lead poisoning prevention.
Amount Awarded:
December 15, 2008
Welcoming Light, Inc.
To strengthen New Hampshire's efforts to address racial and ethnic health disparities by supporting participation in the New England Regional Minority Health Committee's (NERMHC) Regional Conference.
Amount Awarded:
December 15, 2008
New Hampshire Humanities Council
To increase knowledge about immigration issues nationally and locally, to build social capital and collaborative capacity among individuals and institutions, and to enable active civic engagement by providing public humanities education for NH citizens.
Amount Awarded:
December 15, 2008
Somali Development Center
To assist Somali women and their families in becoming educated, empowered and active participants in their own health care by providing bi-lingual, bi-cultural case management, medical interpretation and home-based health education through a Somali woman health educator.
Amount Awarded:
December 15, 2008
The Public Policy Institute
To help improve access to quality, affordable health care by further developing this advocacy coalition on health care and coverage, through expansion of the Leadership Team, growing the network, identifying and implementing state- and federal- health care policy initiatives, increasing the state's organizational advocacy capacity; and hiring a core staff person whose sole function is the development of NH Voices for Health.
Amount Awarded:
December 15, 2008
Community Health Institute/JSI Research & Training
To integrate services and funding for children with mental health needs who are at risk for, or are placed in, residential care by developing a strategic plan for the NH Department of Health and Human Services in partnership with community stakeholders.
Amount Awarded:
December 15, 2008
Manchester Boys and Girls Club
To improve social connectedness for immigrant/refugee students and parents in the Manchester School District with their schools, city systems, their native-born neighbors, and each other through programming for children, youth and parents.
Amount Awarded:
December 15, 2008
New Hampshire Legal Assistance
To improve understanding of the barriers faced by Limited English Proficient (LEP) and Deaf or Hard of Hearing persons who need communication assistance in health care settings, and to identify and promote policy solutions to reduce those barriers by conducting a storybanking project, convening stakeholders, educating policymakers and developing a strategic action plan.
Amount Awarded:
December 1, 2008
University of New Hampshire
To create a coordinated system of care for children with mental illness in New Hampshire by securing federal funding available through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration
Amount Awarded:
November 30, 2008
Advance Transit, Inc.
To organize a high level summit meeting to encourage collaboration of state agencies, associations, and organizations to improve mobility options for New Hampshire citizens.
Amount Awarded:
November 19, 2008
Child Health Services
To support restoration of Teen Health Clinic and offices following Hurricane Hanna related sewer backup.
Amount Awarded: