November 18, 2008
Families First of the Greater Seacoast
To demonstrate outcomes of integrated care at Families First and sites throughout NH by developing, in consultation with program-evaluation experts from Antioch University, an evaluation plan for the new integrative behavioral/primary health program at Families First, and a statewide cross-site evaluation.
Amount Awarded:
November 17, 2008
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To improve the communication and coordination of health policy discourse by providing an opportunity for communications training and collaborative dialogue.
Amount Awarded:
September 15, 2008
Plymouth State University
To educate and enhance the skills of health care and mental health professionals, and school personnel to work with individuals who suffer from eating disorders and body image issues by convening a conference.
Amount Awarded:
September 15, 2008
New Hampshire Coalition to End Homelessness
To maintain full time leadership and to ensure a plan for long term sustainability of the NH Coalition to End Homelessness by providing emergency operational funding for one year.
Amount Awarded:
September 15, 2008
New Hampshire Public Radio
To ensure quality advocacy, nonprofit capacity building and knowledge development for the health system in NH in order to improve the health of NH residents by sustaining the general operations of key NH nonprofits.
Amount Awarded:
September 15, 2008
University of New Hampshire
To strengthen Child Advocacy Centers' capacity in every NH county to enhance linkages to evidence-based mental health services for child abuse victims by engaging key community stakeholders in a collaborative planning process and identifying best practices for helping parents access evidenced-based services.
Amount Awarded:
September 15, 2008
New Hampshire Legal Assistance
To ensure quality advocacy, nonprofit capacity building and knowledge development for the health system in NH in order to improve the health of NH residents by sustaining the general operations of key NH nonprofits.
Amount Awarded:
September 15, 2008
New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits
To ensure quality advocacy, nonprofit capacity building and knowledge development for the health system in NH in order to improve the health of NH residents by sustaining the general operations of key NH nonprofits.
Amount Awarded:
September 15, 2008
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To enhance the capacity of NH's public policy leaders regarding health related public policy by providing resources to support national and statewide learning opportunities.
Amount Awarded:
September 15, 2008
University of NH School of Law
To develop and lead an effective workgroup to create a NH SFAI implementation plan.
Amount Awarded:
September 15, 2008
University of NH School of Law
To ensure quality advocacy, nonprofit capacity building and knowledge development for the health system in NH in order to improve the health of NH residents by sustaining the general operations of key NH nonprofits.
Amount Awarded:
September 15, 2008
New Hampshire Center for Public Policy Studies
To enhance public understanding and public policy regarding health care access and finance by providing information and analysis to stakeholders in health care and health policy, including the Citizens Health Initiative and other groups working on health.
Amount Awarded: