Planning for Infant Mental Health Services in Strafford County
Developmental Services of Strafford County, Inc.
Dover, NH
To develop a plan to screen, assess and refer young children (birth to age 6) and their families in need of evidence-based behavioral health services by working collaboratively with Strafford County pediatricians, child care providers and other key stakeholders to understand need and enhance knowledge.
Award Date: June 16, 2008
Time Frame: July 1, 2008 - December 31, 2009
+1 603-228-2448 ext. 4
Amount Awarded: $9,057.00Award Date: June 16, 2008
Time Frame: July 1, 2008 - December 31, 2009
EH Contact
Kim Firth+1 603-228-2448 ext. 4