September 17, 2018
Conservation Law Foundation
To build advocacy capacity for environmental justice in NH
Amount Awarded:
September 17, 2018
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To support the operations of Health Strategies by providing operating support.
Amount Awarded:
September 17, 2018
New American Africans
To meet the needs of the African new American community in greater Concord by developing a comprehensive and measurable work plan that articulates organizational objectives and goals.
Amount Awarded:
September 17, 2018
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To enhance capacity of NH’s leaders and communities to advance Health and Racial Equity by working collaboratively within and among specific sector groups, such as Civic Engagement, Economic Development, Education, Government, Health, and Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice. To identify challenges and needs within these and other sectors, and determine actions and next steps to address these challenges, based on initial work stemming from the Inaugural Symposium on Race & Equity in NH.
Amount Awarded:
September 17, 2018
Granite United Way
Provide operating support that leverages other funding for a gap analysis for the Recovery Friendly Workplace Initiative.
Amount Awarded:
September 17, 2018
New Hampshire Association for the Blind
To improve organization efficiency by employing technologies that allow the organization to sync accounting and program service databases and to create a scheduling structure that works for the people they serve.
Amount Awarded:
September 17, 2018
Maine Community Foundation
To build the communication capacity among stakeholders across ME and NH for a more productive public narrative on aging by contracting with the FrameWorks Institute to conduct training and support a learning community in Reframing Aging.
Amount Awarded:
September 17, 2018
New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence
To enhance data collection related to statewide sexual assault and domestic violence services by assessing current statewide data collection process and requirements and recommending enhancements, modifications or replacement of the existing data collection system
Amount Awarded:
September 17, 2018
New Hampshire Legal Assistance
To ensure quality advocacy, nonprofit capacity building and knowledge development for the health system in NH in order to improve the health of NH residents by sustaining the general operations of key NH nonprofits.
Amount Awarded:
September 17, 2018
New Hampshire Public Health Association
To develop a roadmap for the future of the Oral Health Coalition by developing and completing strategic plan.
Amount Awarded:
September 17, 2018
New Hampshire Public Health Association
To strengthen State and local capacity to deliver high-quality oral health services by providing access to expert speakers on important oral health issues.
Amount Awarded:
September 17, 2018
New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute
To improve and enhance NH's long term-care system by informing and educating policy makers with an analysis of data regarding home and community based-care services and staffing.
Amount Awarded: