September 17, 2018
New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute
To improve and enhance NH's long term-care system by informing and educating policy makers with an analysis of data regarding home and community based-care services and staffing.
Amount Awarded:
September 17, 2018
New Hampshire Public Health Association
To ensure quality advocacy, nonprofit capacity building and knowledge development for the health system in NH in order to improve the health of NH residents by sustaining the general operations of key NH nonprofits.
Amount Awarded:
September 17, 2018
Families in Transition
To create a replicable model for a robust and integrated system of care that will lead to tangible results for those most in need.
Amount Awarded:
September 17, 2018
North Country Education Services Agency Inc
To increase the effectiveness of practices, initiatives and curriculum adoption by providing Implementation Science training to several school and district teams and child-focused initiatives
Amount Awarded:
September 17, 2018
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation
To help newspaper, radio, television and online reporters and editors do a better job covering critical health care issues by participating in a comprehensive curriculum designed to enhance their knowledge of complex health policy issues.
Amount Awarded:
September 17, 2018
New Hampshire Public Radio
To ensure quality advocacy, nonprofit capacity building and knowledge development for the health system in NH in order to improve the health of NH residents by sustaining the general operations of key NH nonprofits.
Amount Awarded:
September 17, 2018
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To quantify early childhood racial inequities and recommend policy solutions that would promote fair and just opportunities for all New Hampshire young children by conducting a study
Amount Awarded:
September 17, 2018
University of New Hampshire
To inform how NH’s undergraduate institutions can address workforce challenges and better support students interested in behavioral health careers by collecting online survey data from students that identifies career interests, motivations, barriers and ambivalence.
Amount Awarded:
September 17, 2018
Early Learning New Hampshire
To strengthen the early childhood field’s shared purpose by providing core operating support to Spark NH, the early childhood advisory council
Amount Awarded:
September 17, 2018
New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute
To ensure quality advocacy and knowledge development for the health system in NH in order to improve the health of NH residents by sustaining the general operations of key NH nonprofits.
Amount Awarded:
September 17, 2018
Health Strategies of New Hampshire
To conduct a comprehensive, statewide study of the early childhood education (ECE) workforce in New Hampshire.
Amount Awarded:
September 17, 2018
Early Learning New Hampshire
To encourage alignment, coordination and promotion of best practices across all early childhood initiatives in the state by facilitating a community of practice.
Amount Awarded: