Awarded Grants

Grant Filter

  • Awarded January 29, 2018

    Backbone Support to the NH Alliance for Healthy Aging

    University of New Hampshire

    Advance a shared vision for age friendly communities in NH through a collective impact approach by providing backbone support to the NH Alliance of Healthy Aging.
    Amount Awarded: $180,000
  • Awarded January 29, 2018

    Targeted Initiatives Leadership Learning Exchange for Equity

    University of New Hampshire

    To test the applicability of the L2E2 model to a more narrowly focused audience representing areas of strategic importance to the Endowment by creating pilot L2E2 programs for the Elder Health and CBH Targeted Initiative participants and collaborators.
    Amount Awarded: $35,000
  • Awarded January 29, 2018

    Welcoming New Hampshire

    Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition

    To create welcoming communities in NH into which immigrants are more likely to integrate by facilitating community collaboration, promoting a welcoming community climate and advocating for institutional change that promotes mutual respect and cooperation between foreign-born and U.S.-born Americans.
    Amount Awarded: $25,000
  • Awarded November 20, 2017

    Symposium Sector Breakout Group Follow Up Activities

    Health Strategies of New Hampshire

    To enhance capacity of NH
    Amount Awarded: $20,000
  • Awarded November 20, 2017

    Early Childhood Field Assessment

    Antioch University New England

    To assess the state of the Early Childhood field in New Hampshire, using the FASST Tool 3.0 and Documentation Review.
    Amount Awarded: $7,512
  • Awarded November 20, 2017

    The Health Coverage Fellowship

    Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation

    To help newspaper, radio, television and online reporters and editors do a better job covering critical health care issues by participating in a comprehensive curriculum designed to enhance their knowledge of complex health policy issues.
    Amount Awarded: $18,500
  • Awarded November 20, 2017

    Supporting Pediatric Clinical Care in Addressing ACEs

    University of New Hampshire

    To engage NH pediatric and family care practices to identify and respond to adverse childhood experiences/social determinants of health among families with young children by developing a set of recommendations to shape a quality improvement project.
    Amount Awarded: $25,000
  • Awarded November 20, 2017

    A Community Approach to Patient and Family Engagement Phase II

    Foundation for Healthy Communities

    To identify, develop and evaluate methods to train and engage hospital Patient Family Advisory Councils across the continuum of care and in the community.
    Amount Awarded: $50,000
  • Awarded November 20, 2017

    Equity Leadership Fellowship

    Lamprey Health Care

    To implement the Equity Leaders Fellowship program for cohort number four, by utilizing the expertise of NH leaders of color to train rising minority community leaders with an equity frame knowledge base, concrete skills for participating in leadership roles, and the ability to create change through collective impact.
    Amount Awarded: $40,000
  • Awarded November 20, 2017

    NH Business Acumen Project

    University of New Hampshire

    The NH Business Acumen Project will advance the readiness of NH Community Based Organizations (CBOs) to partner with integrated healthcare entities by assessing current status and needs, providing technical assistance through experts and training materials that address those needs, and establishing a community forum for CBOs to meet on a regular basis.
    Amount Awarded: $50,000
  • Awarded November 20, 2017

    Medicaid Institute Phase III

    Manchester Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc.

    To document, educate and promote the positive health outcomes and cost savings achieved through supportive housing services and work toward a supportive housing benefit within Medicaid.
    Amount Awarded: $50,000
  • Awarded November 20, 2017

    Reframing Aging in Northern New England

    Maine Community Foundation

    To build the communication capacity of among stakeholders across ME and NH for a more productive public narrative on aging by contracting with the FrameWorks Institute to develop and conduct in-person and on-line training in Reframing Aging.
    Amount Awarded: $10,000