Awarded Grants

Grant Filter

  • Awarded September 21, 2015

    NH Workforce Development Network Phase II

    University of New Hampshire

    To improve the quality, consistency, and efficiency of the behavioral health service delivery system for children, adolescents and their families and to create a foundation for training the children
    Amount Awarded: $141,287
  • Awarded September 21, 2015

    New Hampshire Legal Assistance Youth Law Project

    New Hampshire Legal Assistance

    To provide civil legal services and engage in systemic advocacy for low-income delinquent and Child in Need of Services (CHINS) youth to ensure that they receive mental health, educational, and other services they need to prevent delinquent behavior and involvement with the juvenile system.
    Amount Awarded: $50,000
  • Awarded September 21, 2015

    Combating Elder Financial Exploitation in New Hampshire: A Multi-Sector Leadership Initiative

    New Hampshire Legal Assistance

    To develop a blueprint for increasing collaborations, maximizing resources, and creating effective responses to address the growing problem of elder financial exploitation in NH.
    Amount Awarded: $17,700
  • Awarded September 21, 2015

    Sustaining the NH Fiscal Policy Institute

    New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute

    To ensure quality advocacy and knowledge development for the health system in NH in order to improve the health of NH residents by sustaining the general operations of key NH nonprofits.
    Amount Awarded: $50,000
  • Awarded September 21, 2015

    Core Support to Spark NH

    Early Learning New Hampshire

    To strengthen the early childhood field
    Amount Awarded: $50,000
  • Awarded September 21, 2015

    2015 NH Oral Health Plan Action Steps

    New Hampshire Public Health Association

    To finalize the 2015 NH Oral Health State Plan by developing action plan steps, assigning lead responsible parties and identifying resources for each priority area.
    Amount Awarded: $17,000
  • Awarded September 21, 2015

    Sustaining the NH Center for Nonprofits

    New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits

    To ensure quality advocacy, nonprofit capacity building and knowledge development for the health system in NH in order to improve the health of NH residents by sustaining the general operations of key NH nonprofits.
    Amount Awarded: $15,000
  • Awarded September 21, 2015

    WISDOM Early Childhood Module Development

    Health Strategies of New Hampshire

    To enhance capacity of the field to analyze and use cross-sector data to improve the early childhood system and advance policy.
    Amount Awarded: $6,000
  • Awarded September 21, 2015

    The Raising of New Hampshire

    Health Strategies of New Hampshire

    To raise awareness about the importance of investing in early childhood by promoting and disseminating the NH Public Television program Raising New Hampshire.
    Amount Awarded: $5,000
  • Awarded September 21, 2015

    Annual Conference Addiction Performance

    NH Alcohol and Other Drug Service Providers Association

    To raise awareness of addiction as a chronic disease, as well as the importance of screening for and addressing substance abuse in advance of the emergence of addiction by engaging conference attendees and invited guests to witness a dramatic performance of Act Three of Eugene O'Neill's Long Day's Journey into Night as a catalyst for town hall discussions about the disease of addiction as it touches patients, families, and health professionals.
    Amount Awarded: $13,500
  • Awarded September 21, 2015

    NH Citizen's Health Initiative

    University of New Hampshire

    To create and sustain a public dialogue that will measurably improve the systems that finance and provide health care in NH in order to create an effective system of care and ensure a healthy population.
    Amount Awarded: $75,000
  • Awarded September 21, 2015

    Creating a Comprehensive Strategic Plan for Children and their Families

    University of New Hampshire

    To support the development of a comprehensive plan for the health and well-being of NH children and families by facilitating a working group to create goals and strategies, and providing the working group with research on current NH programs and services for children and families, as well as research on similar planning efforts used by other entities.
    Amount Awarded: $23,886