Awarded Grants
Grant Filter
June 20, 2013
Transportation Coordination Service System for New Hampshire
Cooperative Alliance for Seacoast Transportation (COAST)
To implement a more efficient and effective community transportation system for citizens of the State of New Hampshire by making live a coordinated computerized Transportation Coordination Service System that will enable: (1) single regionalized points of contact for citizens looking for information on available transportation services and schedule rides; and (2) coordinate transportation service provision through a regional RTC, which will allocate scheduled trips to participating providers, establishing and streamlining common eligibility determinations, claims processing, and data management functions.Amount Awarded: $60,000 -
June 20, 2013
Alliance for Community Transportation (ACT)
Cooperative Alliance for Seacoast Transportation (COAST)
To improve regional transportation services for people in Strafford and Eastern Rockingham Counties by coordinating transportation services offered by COAST and multiple human service transportation provider agencies.Amount Awarded: $107,660 -
June 20, 2013
Building a Center of Excellence for Culturally Effective Care (COECEC)
Manchester Community Health Center
To create a Center of Excellence for Culturally Effective Care (COECEC)within Manchester Community Health Center by
1-institutionalizing best and model practices of a culturally effective organization (language access, Race Ethnicity and Language (REaL) data , cultural competence, and workforce diversity),
2-creating capacity for leading and teaching quality improvement efforts to address health disparities,
3-and implementing a Community Health Worker (CHW) pilot project with a targeted cohort from two patient populations that experience a higher prevalence of health disparities.Amount Awarded: $195,982 -
June 20, 2013
NHRx Connects Pharmacy for Medication Bridge
Foundation for Healthy Communities
To improve access to pharmacy assistance for uninsured or underinsured individuals by extending the Unused Medication program statewide and by forming a new entity that will manage and sustain the program into the future.Amount Awarded: $94,601 -
June 20, 2013
New Hampshire's Early Childhood and Family Mental Health Competencies
Community Bridges
To improve the availability of and access to high quality early childhood mental health supports and services for NH's young children (aged birth to six) and their families by creating and implementing a state early childhood mental health competency system for NH professionals serving this population and by collaborating with the NH Early Childhood Advisory Council on systems building.Amount Awarded: $12,553 -
June 20, 2013
Sustaining the National Alliance on Mental Illness
National Alliance on Mental Illness-New Hampshire
To ensure quality advocacy, knowledge development and nonprofit capacity building leadership for the mental health system which supports NH's children and their families by sustaining the general operations of key related NH nonprofits.Amount Awarded: $25,000 -
June 20, 2013
Children Exposed To Domestic Violence - Trauma Informed Services
New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence
To provide trauma-informed services to children exposed to violence in their homes and the non-offending parent by developing a cohort of trauma-informed advocates and providing training and technical assistance to member agencies.Amount Awarded: $72,313 -
June 20, 2013
Race to the Top, Early Learning Challenge
Early Learning New Hampshire
To raise the quality of NHAmount Awarded: $10,000 -
June 20, 2013
New Hampshire Legal Assistance Youth Law Project
New Hampshire Legal Assistance
To provide civil legal services and engage in systemic advocacy for low-income delinquent and CHINS youth to ensure that they receive the mental health, educational, and other services they need to prevent delinquent behavior and involvement with the juvenile system.Amount Awarded: $114,176 -
June 20, 2013
SHARE 360 Environmental Scan
SHARE Outreach Inc.
To better manage the needs of low income residents in the Greater Milford community by developing a holistic view of the demographic and economic profile of the service area and by inventorying and evaluating existing service providers and resources.Amount Awarded: $5,000 -
June 20, 2013
Sustaining Leadership NH
Leadership New Hampshire
To build a community of informed leaders in NH to increase civic engagement and strengthen communities through connecting and educating a diverse pool of engaged or emerging leaders about the State of New Hampshire.Amount Awarded: $10,000 -
June 20, 2013
Health Care Access and Affordability
New Hampshire Citizens Alliance
To continue to increase the knowledge and advocacy skills of NH small business owners and individuals regarding quality, affordable health care policy issues at both state and national level.Amount Awarded: $25,000